Crossed by Ally Condie
Ally Condie,
Book Reviews,
Young Adult
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Pages: 367
Release Date: November 24th 2011
Publisher: Razor Bill
Series: Matched #2
Other books in series: Mached, Reached
Source: For Review from Publishers
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Yet for Cassia the rules have changed. Ky has been taken and she will sacrifice everything to find him.
And when Cassia discovers Ky has escaped to the wild frontiers beyond the Society there is hope.
But on the edge of society nothing is as it seems . . .
And a tangled web of lies and double-crosses could destroy everything.
My Thoughts
Crossed was much better than I expected. I wasn't planning on reading it at first as I enjoyed reading Matched but not as much. With Crossed, it's a whole new story. I really enjoyed reading it. Condie really uped her game, giving us with something fresh, interesting and engaging.
We're at where Macthed left off. With Cassia journeying to the outer provinces whilst Ky is taken by the society. As you can expect, the chapters are alternated between Cassia and Ky. With them both craving for each others presence alongside them and going through adventures of their own. Oh, I just really really liked it.
We get to see a lot more from Ky. When reading Matched I never really connected much with Ky and as a character, I never did like him much. I don't know. He came off quite weird? Well, to me anyways. Though, in Crossed my views changed as we get to see more of him and his feelings as well.
I didn't think Ky was right for Cassia. I was always with Xander through Matched anyways. But, here's the thing. In Crossed, we get to see more of Xander. Which leads to my other point in which, can Xander be trusted? He's quite different now and I don't know what to make of his actions.
Now, I'm torn between the two. Pretty much how Cassia is at the moment. In one prospect, I do blame her, she chooses Ky but then she's confused with everything that's happened with Xander. Good luck on that one!
In the bigger picture, a lot does happens in Crossed. New characters are introduced as to be expected and the events are really developing. What I like best. Ohh now I can't wait to read Reached!
In My Mailbox (37)
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free.
It has seriously been FOREVER since my last In My Mailbox, so I just decided to make time for a quick post. These aren't all the books I got since my last IMM, I just couldn't keep count of them all. So, here are the books from the last week I think? AND, also thanks to Instagram now on the Android market, my pictures just look the tad nicer!
For Review
For Review
Stefan Diaries: Vol 5 by L J Smith
I haven't read the other books in the series yet, they're still sitting on my bookshelf however. I can't start this one yet then!
Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter
I've read and finished this ages ago! I'm a big fan of Ally Carter. Her books are amazing! You can check out my review here.
I had no idea this was coming. Thankfully my parents did not see this book, or else they would have thought I am going crazy as well as having serious boy trouble. LOL.
We'll always have Summer by Jenny Han
It's not Summer Without You by Jenny Han
The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han
I've already got a copy of the first two books of the Summer series so I was surprised when I got another copy of them both. And now I have the final addition to the series! My collection is complete. I can't wait to write my review for these books! Love them to bits :)
On a final note, as you can see... I HAVEN'T GOT INSURGENT yet! 9 days let until the release as well. More importantly, don't forget to PRE-ODER Insurgent. If we get over 35,000 pre-orders Veronica Roth's publishers will unveil a never-see-before Four extract! AHHHHH. My mind cannot process the fact of getting into Four's head. *dies*
What did you get in your mailbox?
Fins Are Forever by Tera Lynn Childs
Pages: 304
Release Date: April 2012
Publisher: Templar
Series: Fins #2
Other books in series: Forgive My Fins
Source: ARC from Publishers
Buy it: Amazon | The Book Depository | B&N
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On Lily Sanderson’s eighteenth birthday she’ll become just a girl—still a mer girl, true, but signing the renunciation paperwork will ink Princess Waterlily of Thalassinia out of existence. That leaves plain old Lily living on land, dating the boy she loves, and trying to master this being human thing once and for all.
Now that Lily and Quince are together, mer-bond or not, she’s almost content to give up her place in the royal succession of Thalassinia. But just when she thinks she has everything figured out, Lily’s father sends a certain whirlpool-stirring cousin to stay with her on land. What did Doe do to get herself exiled from Thalassinia and stuck in terraped form, when everyone knows how much she hates humans? And why why why is she batting her eyelashes at Lily’s former crush, Brody?
The seafoam on the surf comes when a merboy from Lily’s past shows up. Tellin asks Lily for something that clouds her view of the horizon. There’s a future with Quince on land, her loyalty to the kingdom in the sea, and Lily tossing on the waves in the middle. Will she find a way to reconcile her love, her duty, and her dreams?
My Thoughts
I remember the assumptions I made before reading Forgive My Fins, the first book in the series. I was quite reluctant to read it. Now with Fins are Forever, I had the same feelings. Not that I didn't want to read it, I kind of just thought that it won't be good as the last book. I'm still trying to figure out why I had these doubts and where they came from as I did in fact enjoy reading Fins are Forever.
I'm telling you, it's just that this series is seriously cute. No friggin lie people. I could just use this book as teady bear. Okay so that's a slight exaggeration but you know where I'm coming from right? It's the little love thing that's going on that gives the entire 'cute' element. The romance. Aww Quince and Lily. Just adorable!
We're faced with a new sort of problem in Fins are Forever. It's to do with Lily of course. Boy, she has some tough decisions to make in Thalassinia. She's a lot stronger that in the last book, and what with the ending, I also think that she truly has matured. Though, I didn't see that one coming but I so should have. It was quite sad actually. It makes you wonder what exactly is going to happen in the next book seeing as the roles have changed drastically.
Will we be getting our fairytale ending? I wonder. I wonder. I enjoyed reading Fins are Forever, I didn't love it but it was good and I liked reading it. I'm quite sure everything will go alright at the end. But what if Tera decides to surprise us again? Oh no.
The Independent Book Blogger Awards!
Independent Book Blogger
Awards are awards that highlight the amazing talent in the book blogging world today.You can vote once in each of four categories: Adult Fiction, Adult Nonfiction, Young Adult and Children’s, and Publishing Industry.
Gripped into Books are taking part in these awards! It just sounds like so much fun. I know that I have no chance in winning with all those other amazing blogs out there but it's always worth a try. Getting into the nominees will still be a massive achievement. I would really appreciate it and love it if you can vote for this blog in the Young Adult and Children's category. If you enjoy reading and/or following Gripped into Books then please show your support!
To vote, just click on the link below. You must sign in or register with Goodreads to vote as well. But that shouldn't matter... us book lovers should already have an account on Goodreads right? LOL.
ABC Reading Challenge: April GIVEAWAY!
Hi guys, and welcome to another month of the ABC Reading Challenge! For those of you that are unaware, it's where you read a book that's released in 2012 and that begins with each letter of the alphabet from A-Z. Yes, I realise books starting with X Y or Z will be near to impossible to find but try your best! And if you do manage to hit 26 books, you're just awesome and you may just win a fabulous prize! More details of the challenge can be found here.
I hope that everyone is well into their reading and gone through around 9 Letters of the alphabet so far. Have you? Have you? Have you? I know I have. Which is a very great surprise seeing as I haven't done as much reading and near to most of the books that I have read start with the letter O!
Back to the post, we have another giveaway to offer to all you nice people of this challenge. This time, I decided to make it prom themed and a prize pack consisting of three books!
I hope that everyone is well into their reading and gone through around 9 Letters of the alphabet so far. Have you? Have you? Have you? I know I have. Which is a very great surprise seeing as I haven't done as much reading and near to most of the books that I have read start with the letter O!
Back to the post, we have another giveaway to offer to all you nice people of this challenge. This time, I decided to make it prom themed and a prize pack consisting of three books!
Here is what you can win:

Illuminate by Aimee Agresti
Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick by Joe Schreiber
Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey
Not bad right?
Here are the RULES:
This giveaway is only open to PARTICIPANTS of the ABC Reading Challenge.
NO FORM. All participants are automatically entered into the prize draw. Sorry for the rest of you guys, however if you want to be entered in the giveaway, you can always sign up for the ABC Reading challenge at THIS POST.
Lastly, the winner will be picked at the end of the month!
Thanks & Happy Reading :)
Thanks & Happy Reading :)
Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter
by Ally Carter
Pages: 336
Release Date: April 5th 2012
Publisher: Orchard
Series: Gallagher Girls #5
Other books in series: I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You, Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover, Only the Good Spy Young
Source: For Review from PublishersBuy it: Amazon
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The last thing Cammie Morgan remembers is leaving the Gallagher Academy to protect her friends and family. But when Cammie wakes up in an alpine convent and discovers months have passed, her memory is a black hole. The only traces left of Cammie’s summer vacation are the bruises on her body and dirt under her nails. All she wants is to go home. But even the Gallagher Academy now holds more questions than answers as Cammie and her friends face their most difficult challenge yet. With only their training and a few clues to guide them, the girls go in search of answers on the other side of the world. But the Circle is hot on their trail and will stop at nothing to prevent Cammie from remembering what she did last summer.
PROS and CONS of my insightful thoughts on the latest addition of THE GALLAGHER GIRLS!
( A list made by Mia. Inspired by none other than our Cammie Morgan)
PRO: Out of Sight, Out of Time was definitely worth waiting for. It was just as good as the other books in the series but with a different element to this addition. We are taken on whole new pandemonium, with such rush and adrenaline that we beg for it to be all over.
CON: Gahhh! The agonising wait. 1 YEAR. 11 MOTHS. 29 DAYS. 47 HOURS. 3600 SECONDS. In short, 2 years.
PRO: Mysteries. One big mystery with Cammie. She has no recollection whatsoever of what she has been doing for the past few months. So, basically a blank memory. As always, it's ever so fasinating to see all the strings that are attached and all the things that had gone wrong.
CON: Can Cammie really be trusted anymore? It's no mystery that the mystery in turn will be revealed right at the end. And so the point- waiting comes into mind. As you can see, I am a very impatient person. ;D
PRO: Action. Like, a whole lot more people! I'm talking about guns, explosives and the big shebang! Ally Carter completely upped her game. There's not a single down moment, I tell you. You'd think it'll be boring with the new turn of events and everything but no no no.
CON: I really have no idea whatsoever. (I'm so bad at the CON's)
PRO: Yes. You got it. There's more Zack. Now that I think about it, he's around a large portion of the book. Thankfully, right? We don't get to see much of him in the previous books. Hurrah! Not forgetting to mention, how there is trouble in paradise ;)
CON: A reason why it's bad that there's a lot more Zack? Hmmm. I wonder... (Still in the process of thinking)
PRO: I can't wait to read the next book. Ally Carter has done what she can do the best, leaving us with an extremely big cliffhanger. She sure knows how to make the really small things in the book, become a huge part of the part. Damn. She definitely left me hanging. Now I want more. Just more!
CON: The next book will come after AGES and something more... it is THE LAST BOOK. DID YOU KNOW? Ohwhyohwhyohwhy :'(
New books released this April
A new month brings new books!
Now in this April 2012, many thrilling young adult books have been released, sitting in the bookstores waiting for people like you and me to pick up and indulge!
Here are a few...
(All titles linked to Goodreads)
April 1st | April 2nd

April 5th

Immortal City by Scott Speer
172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad

BZRK by Michael Grant
Everlasting by Elizabeth Chandler
The Duff by Kody Keplinger

Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter
Dark Heart Surrender by Lee Monroe
April 6th | April 12th

Goddess Interrupted by Aimee Carter
Fins are Forever by Tera Lynn Childs
April 26th

When You Were Mine by Rebecca Serle
The Alchemy of Forever by Avery Williams
What do you want to read or need to read?
(NOTE: These are UK releases!)
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