Reviewed by Iram: The Carrier of The Mark by Leigh Fallon
Book Reviews,
Leigh Fallon,
Young Adult
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The Carrier of the Mark
by Leigh Fallon
Pages: 320
Release Date: October 27th 2011Publisher: HarperCollins Children's
Source: For Review from Publishers
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A move to Ireland is about to introduce Megan to her destiny, her real destiny, can she embrace it and will she survive it?My Thoughts
A tragedy in Megan’s past set her on a predetermined course. A chain of events has been set in motion that brings Megan to Kinsale, a small town in the south of Ireland where her destiny awaits her. Her life starts to fall into place as she makes new friends and settles into her new school. However, the reclusive and distant Adam DeRís calls to her body and soul.
She finds herself increasingly drawn to Adam and his strange family. Adam knows a secret from her past and he and his family hold the key to her future. A future that binds her to Adam and his world, a world of power, mystery and ancient orders. A world that unbeknownst to her, she very much belongs in.
I found this book totally adorable. It is quite amazing. If like me you are the kind of person that loves an irresistible romance with a fantastic storyline to give it that edge than this book is worth indulging.
Megan is drawn towards Adam and sees quite a few unreal, strange things happen that make her curious as well as grabbing the curiosity of the reader. When she finds out the truth her world is turned around and she discovers a new enchanting aspect to her life.
Its a real cool love story involving great magical powers and prophecies to keep you entertained. The relationship between Megan and the mysterious Adam is gripping because their love is forbidden but nothing can get in the way of true love. Can it? The book is that more exhilarating to see Megan and Adam fight for each other, nor matter what the future may hold they will always stick together.
All the characters are great and keep the story moving. My favourite part of the book would be all the cool things that the characters do with there powers and the way the scenes are described. The only thing which I didn't enjoy were the information overload at times but apart from that it was a awesome piece of writing.
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
Book Reviews,
Maureen Johnson,
Young Adult
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by Maureen Johnson
Pages: 352
Release Date: September 29th 2011
Publisher: HarperCollinsChildren'sBooks
Source: For Review from Publishers
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Thrilling ghost-hunting teen mystery as modern-day London is plagued by a sudden outbreak of brutal murders that mimic the horrific crimes of Jack the Ripper."A gorgeously written, chilling, atmospheric thriller. The streets of London have never been so sinister or so romantic." Cassandra Clare, author of THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTSSixteen-year-old American girl Rory has just arrived at boarding school in London when a Jack the Ripper copycat-killer begins terrorising the city. All the hallmarks of his infamous murders are frighteningly present, but there are few clues to the killer’s identity.“Rippermania” grabs hold of modern-day London, and the police are stumped with few leads and no witnesses. Except one. In an unknown city with few friends to turn to, Rory makes a chilling discovery…Could the copycat murderer really be Jack the Ripper back from the grave?My Thoughts
Maureen Johnson completely surprised me with The Name of the Star. I read 13 little blue envelopes a while ago and though I did enjoy reading it and thought it was good, it didn't really grab me. But with The Name of the Star, it was just amazing. I loved reading it and I definitely think that the whole edited version of Jack the Ripper thing was pretty cool.
London has yet again been attacked with a series of murders leading to many investigations and troublesome media. And the deaths are so gruesome that its as though Jack the Ripper has returned. Well, someone who's been imitating his work. It was at this time where Rory arrives in London all prepared for their senior year in Wexford Academy. So then it begins, as Rory gets entrapped into the world Jack the Ripper bringing chaos yet more excitement that she could have ever imagined.
Rory is a very quirky teen. She has a great character and so she's most definitely someone you could easily hang around with. I love the way she sees London and their way of life. Really interesting stuff here. She meets lots of nice people. I love her roommate Jazza, she's just so cool and oh Alistair too. Jerome is alright for your average guy. I was a bit edgy with him at the beginning but I can safely say he's a great guy.
With the Jack the Ripper idea and how Jonson had brushed it with her touch, I have got to say it got me going. It was endearing and gripping. I really really liked it. Though the only thing I didn't like was that this isn't a book you should read in the night! I can't wait to see what Johnson has in store for us next!
In My Mailbox (35)
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free.
It's been ageesss since I've done a IMM! As you know because of THIS. I haven't taken any pictures however seeing as half the books are with me and half with Iram, another blogger that helps me out with the blog. Though, at least you get to see what we got!
Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick
Read it and reviewed it here! It wasn't as good as I expected it to be but a very good read :)
Goliath by Scott Westerwick
I haven't read the other books in the series... I really need to get going!
I haven't read the other books in the series... I really need to get going!
The Other Life by Susanne Winnacker (UK Proof)
This one sounds like a good read, I can't wait to get into it!
This one sounds like a good read, I can't wait to get into it!
Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan
I've always wanted to read this one. I hope its good.
I've always wanted to read this one. I hope its good.
Carrier of the Mark by Lee Falon
Don't you just love the cover for this one?
Don't you just love the cover for this one?
Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia & Margret Stohl
I really enjoyed the other books in the series, I can't wait to see what's in store for Lena and Ethan next.
I really enjoyed the other books in the series, I can't wait to see what's in store for Lena and Ethan next.
Advent by James Treadwell (UK Proof)
Cover not released! A debut author... and it sounds great.
Cover not released! A debut author... and it sounds great.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
I've already read and reviewed this! I'm chuffed to get a finished copy :D
I've already read and reviewed this! I'm chuffed to get a finished copy :D
Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead
A total VA fan! I LOVE all the books :))
A total VA fan! I LOVE all the books :))
The Summer I turned Pretty by Jenny Han
It's not Summer Without You by Jenny Han
I've heard so much about these books, I just had to get them... great reads too!
I've heard so much about these books, I just had to get them... great reads too!
I'd Tell you I love you, But then I'd have to Kill you by Ally Carter
I LOVED this onee! I can't wait to read more books by Ally Carter!
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanier Perkins
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanier Perkins
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
Ahhhhhhhh! You can see how much I LOVED Anna, Here! A big thank you to the aweomse Cicely @ Cicely Love Books for sending me these two :D
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
I've been dying to get my hands on this! I am in love with the cover but the book, not so much.
What did you get in your mailbox?
Ahhhhhhhh! You can see how much I LOVED Anna, Here! A big thank you to the aweomse Cicely @ Cicely Love Books for sending me these two :D
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
I've been dying to get my hands on this! I am in love with the cover but the book, not so much.
What did you get in your mailbox?
Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick
Becca Fitzpatrick,
Book Reviews,
Simon and Schuster,
Young Adult
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Pages: 438
Release Date: October 4th 2011
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Series: Hush Hush #3
Other books in series: Hush Hush & Crescendo
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The noise between Patch and Nora is gone. They've overcome the secrets riddled in Patch's dark past...bridged two irreconcilable worlds...faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty and trust...and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for—and their love—forever.
My Thoughts
I simply adore the Hush Hush series. Crescendo definitely left me craving for more. And so after a whole year of waiting for Silence, as soon as I got the chance to read it, I left everything I was doing to read this book. I was just hoping and praying that everything would work out between Patch and Nora!
Silence left off from Crescendo. In this installation of the Hush Hush series, Nora and Patch have been captured by the Black Hand. Knowing Patch, he'll want to do everything in his power to save Nora and so he does by striking a deal to keep her safe. Nora then wakes up in a cemetery with no memory of the past few months. She can't remember anything and so she doesn't remember Patch!! Eventually, bits and pieces are brought back to her as she tries to figure out who kidnapped her and who in the world is Jeff?
As a complete sucker for romance, I have to admit how much I loved all the Patch and Nora moments. I especially enjoyed seeing how she got to know Patch all over again. You get to see how their relationship develops once again with all the chemistry and boy is it something!
The action is all egde-of-the-seat happenings. Ahhh I have got to say, Fitzpatrick did have me going for quite some time. It was all good and every much unnerving. Though, Crescendo has to be my all time favourite.
As soon as I finished Silence, I felt mixture of emotions. Disappointment yet excitement. I was disappointed mainly because Silence didn't finish there, you got it, it doesn't end here like we thought it would. There's another book. And that's where my excitement kicks in. Another book with more Pacth? Hell yeah!
One year Blogoversary! + GIVEAWAY :)
Happy birthday to Gripped into Books :D
It's been a year of blogging and I CAN'T BELIVE IT! It's gone so fast! I've come across some great bloggers, fabulous blogs and amazing books. I have to say that I love blogging about books and I hope to continue doing it!
Thank you for everyone also for taking the time to read my posts and comment on them. It really means a lot to me. Thank you for my followers for following and keeping up with my blog. It so awesome that my blog is one year old and I do think that I have achieved so many things.
Lets show off my blogging stats shall we?
Total number of...
Page Views: 60,000 | Posts: 238 | Reviews: 100 | Comments: 3507
Most popular...
1000 Followers Giveaway! with around 3500 page views!! -I really don't think thats surprising. I think there was around 1000 entries too. What a big number right?
Passion by Lauren Kate with around 1000 page views - I have gotta say that I love the covers in this series, especially Fallen!
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins with around 400 page views -Gotta love THG series. Everyone needs to read them. Must reads people!
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins was the most commented review! With 42 comments... no surprise there that is an amazingly awesome book! :D
How far should Romance go in YA with around 500 page views-That's very interesting! I think its mainly beacuse that theres so much to talk about regarding that topic with different views and ideas. Awesome!
Now for the giveaway!!
New books released this October
A new month brings new books!
Now this October 2011, many thrilling books have been released, sitting in the bookstores waiting for people like you and me to pick it up and indulge!
Here are a few...

Angel Fire by L A Weatherly
6th October 2011
Goodreads | Amazon UK

Lost in Time by Melissa de la Cruz

1st October 2011
Naked by Kevin Brooks 6th October 2011
Goodreads | Amazon UK

25th October 2011

The Damned by Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie
27th October 2011
27th October2011
What do you want to read or need to read?
(NOTE: These are UK releases)
Naked by Kevin Brooks
Pages: 320
Release Date: July 7th 2011
Publisher: Puffin
Source: ARC from Publishers
Buy the Book: Amazon
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London, 1976: a summer of chaos, punk, love ...and the boy they called Billy the Kid. It was the summer of so many things. Heat and violence, love and hate, heaven and hell. It was the time I met William Bonney - the boy from Belfast known as Billy the Kid. I've kept William's secrets for a long time, but now things have changed and I have to tell the truth. But I can't begin until I've told you about Curtis Ray. Hip, cool, rebellious Curtis Ray. Without Curtis, there wouldn't be a story to tell. It's the story of our band, of life and death ...and everything in between. This characteristically gripping novel from award-winning author Kevin Brooks will rock you to the core!
My Thoughts
Oh.My.God. I can't even begin to express how much I loved Naked. For me, it has to be one of the best books I've ever read. It was just THAT good. It had everything a perfect book needs. The first thing in Naked which got me hooked was the catch line. 'Live Fast, Play Dirty, Get NAKED'. Totally catchy right? And it totally sums up the story. Naked has romance, hardship, despair and a great bonus, music that reaches you to the very core!
Naked starts off with a woman, Lili, reminiscing in the year of 1967. This is the time where she met two people that changed her life. Will and Curtis. Curtis was always known to be the rebellious bad boy at school. Everyone loved him and want to be like him or be with him. And so, it came a great surprise to Lili when she got asked to audition for his band 'NAKED'. Thereon, the real story unfolds as we get lured through Lili's life through her eyes.
Lili is a realistic character. I really like her. Yes, she has flaws and so do the other characters but, that's what really defines them and makes them who they are. When Lili first saw Curtis, he seemed like a pretty decent guy and all. Little did I know. I don't like him at all! Though, I have to say I love his band and music. It so rocks. The lyrics are oookay. But, sometimes they do get pretty weird. I really don't care (much) especially when Will came into the picture. I LOVE HIM. Yeah, I think that pretty much sums it up. He's plain awesome!
What I really really loved about Naked was how something interesting was always going on making it entirely engrossing. It's like one thing after another. You're tossed and turned into this fabulous world. Ideally, Naked is not your average read. It's tough, gritty and very edgy. Like, the ending! What can I possibly say? I knew it was coming, you could just tell but I didn't want to accept it. At all. Oh how I love Kevin Brooks books. Buy this. Now!
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