Cover Alert: Passion by Lauren Kate!

Ahhh... It has finally been revealed!
The cover to the third book in the fallen series, Passion by Lauren Kate has now been released...
Check it out!

Personally, I love the cover however they're not as stricking as the covers for the first two books in the series- Fallen and Torment.  It's still catching though. But I think If I  judged this book by it's cover, I wouldn't instantly read it.
Although, I've read the other books in the series and I extremely enjoyed them so I would really need to read this book and see what happens next.

What are your thoughts?


  1. The first two covers really drew you in...these are pretty too though. I like the second one better...maybe just because that dress is nicer :)

  2. I love the one on the right, even more so than the first two. Great cover =) Not so sure about the one on the left though ..

  3. Is one of these the US cover and the other a different country? I've only seen the cover on the right. The one on the left is new to me.

  4. Both covers are still pretty. But the first two covers were the best. :D

  5. The cover is simply fascinating and I'm pretty sure that the content is superb. Thanks for sharing, I really love reading books.

  6. I totally agree with you : I find this cover not as striking as the first ones !! But I'll read this book, I definitely want to know what is going to happend to Daniel and Lucinda ;)

  7. Their both pretty but I liked how the first to werent animated/drawn. Its really alot more interesting when you use a real girl for the cover.

  8. The girl on the cover look like a 25 year old woman. Oh well, they always say that don't judge a book by it's cover.

  9. The one on the left looks like a hooker. Definitely not buying that cover!

  10. There not real people? , why didnt she use a real person? , the first to look better ... dosent mean im not gonna buy it but..

  11. The girl in the right is a real girl. The same one of the first two covers, actually. She's a brazilian model\designer, or something like that. I like the cover, but Fallen and Torment are waaaaaaaaaaay better.


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