In My Mailbox (18)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free.
I'm in a really jolly mood today, with the royal wedding and all. It was amazing, I loved Kate's dress and everything was so magical. Okay, umm I'll stop now seeing as none of this is book related LOL.

Blood Magic by Tessa Graton
When I got this one, I was like WOW ...the covers amazing don't you think? And the blurb is not too bad either! Thank you Random House :)
Divergent by Veronica Roth
I know what you're thinking! How can I forget that I got my shiny awesomely wonderful finished copy of Divergent! *hides my face* but I have to say ...jealous much? THANK YOU SSSOO MUCH HarperCollins! ;D
Wither by Lauren Destefano
Leaving paradise by Simone Elkeles
Return to Paradise by Simone Elkeles
I havn't got many book as usually but I enjoyed reading them all especially Wither!
What's In your mailbox?


  1. Oh wow!!
    All four are great books which l want to read! =)

  2. Wither was absolutely fantastic! I hope you enjoy it too. :)

  3. Ooh, 'Wither' is amazing - hope you enjoy it. =) 'Leaving Paradise' was quite good as well.

  4. Leaving Paradise is fantastic! Definitely one of my favourite books. Hope you enjoy all of these! :)

  5. I love the cover for blood magic. I still need to read Wither. Sophie read it for MM's and liked it. I've heard a lot of great things about it.

  6. I'm really eager to get my paws on Blood Magic and Divergent! Sounds like a great week.

  7. Blood Magic looks awesome!!!!
    Thanks for stopping by!


  8. I loved Perfect Chemistry and really need to read Elkeles other novels.
    Great books this week and happy reading!

  9. Mia, you're so lucky with those Divergent. I hope I can get the book also. I am waiting for your review ;)

    See, your library got a great collection. I wish mine also got a great collection.

    Happy reading

  10. Amazing haul! I want to read every single one of these! Jealous, yes I am!

  11. Divergent!!! wow!! I am waiting for mine to arrive in the post..taps foot....

    I want to read Blood Magic:D

    Wither was awesome.

    Thanks for following us:D

  12. Great books! I loved Wither and I can't wait to read Divergent. Happy reading!

  13. I have Blood Magic too! You are going to love Divergent!

  14. I am jealous. :D Divergent and Wither are two books I'd love to read. Enjoy your books!

    -Cassandra @ Wickedly Delicious Tales

  15. I love Wither and would kill for Divergent. The cover of Blood Magic is lickable... do want.

  16. Did you even get a single bad book this week? They're all brilliant :D

    I got Divergent this week, too.

    Hope you enjoy all of your fantastic new books (I'm sure you will)

  17. Thanks for leaving a comment on my IMM. Looks like you got a good selection! Enjoy!!

  18. Divergent! I so want my copy to arrive, too! :D Great books! :)

  19. You have Wither! Jealous! And I read Leaving Paradise a few weeks ago. It's amazing. BUT DIVERGENT IS BETTER.
    Happy reading! ;D

  20. I have to agree with you about the cover of Blood Magic it is awesome!

    Here is my mailbox this week: Lisa's Mailbox

  21. Great reads all of them!
    Happy reading :)

  22. I loved Wither, I'm patiently waiting for Divergent to arrive!

  23. Wither is ah-mazing!
    Want to read Blood Magic!
    Enjoy :)

  24. Divergent! I'm going to run to the book store to on Tuesday to grab it before I go insane! Hope you enjoy your books :) Looking forward to your reviews!

  25. Great books! I definitely want to read Divergent, Blood Magic and Wither. I hope you'll enjoy them!


    P.s.: Thanks a lot for visiting Fictional Distraction. :)

  26. Wither seems to be really good. Can't wait to read your review. Enjoy c:

  27. I got Blood Magic too! Can't wait to read it :)

  28. Awww, I loved the wedding too :) Great books!

  29. Wither is in my list TBR, I just haven't picked it up yet. And I agree, I really was feeling the love watching the wedding. Too bad we didn't get to see the reception.

  30. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a new follower of yours. You got some AWESOME books this week! I want to read wither and divergent really bad! Can't wait to see what you think of them! :)

  31. I've been seeing Divergent around a lot and now I want to go get myself a copy. Hope you guys are enjoying your books.

  32. Wither was fantastic! One of my favorite books of the year so far. Happy Reading :)

  33. Nice! that's a pretty awesome mailbox! I got Divergent too and Blood Magic looks great!

  34. Divergent was very good! You have something to look forward to. :D

  35. Ooh, I really want to read the Paradise books. I loved the Perfect Chemistry books and I want some more Elkeles hero goodness.

  36. I watched the Royal wedding as well. Kate's dress was beautiful. Awesome reads! Wither was amazing I loved it!!

  37. Great books this week! I got Divergent too. I really want to get Blood Magic it looks really good.
    Happy reading.

  38. Ooo, Blood Magic. Hope you enjoy it and the rest.

    Happy reading :-)

  39. Ooh Blood Magic looks great! I'm looking forward to finally reading Divergent this week. Really liked Wither too. Happy reading!

  40. Blood Magic and Divergent are on my wishlist. Wither is amazing! I have and need to read Leaving Paradise. Enjoy! :D


  41. I'm so excited for Divergent! Great haul this week.

  42. Awesome mailbox! I've got both Blood Magic and Divergent on my wishlist so I hope you enjoy them. Happy reading!

  43. That's a nice stack of books! I really want to read Divergent! Everyone is raving about it as the best 2011 Debut, so that sounds good to me!

  44. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love yours and am a new follower! You got some great books. Blood Magic is on preorder for me and I'm halfway through with Divergent and LOVE it!

  45. Wow!! fantastic books this week. I really want to read divergent and blood magic. enjoy all your books and happy reading :)

    thank you for stopping by our IMM!

  46. Divergent is brilliant so I hope you have fun reading it! :D

    Thanks for stopping by!

  47. Great pile of books! I have all of them marked as "to-read". I am getting especially interested in Divergent as more reviews come out of it!
    Happy reading :)

    PS - Love you blog header! So pretty

  48. Oh, oh, what a fantastic haul! You suck for getting DIVERGENT before me, and I'm NOT kidding. But you can makeup for it by posting a painstaking review that displays your reading experience minute-by-minute that way I can live vicariously through you... Just a thought ;)

    But, seriously great pickups. I noticed you got WITHER, too. Lucky girl! I love Simone Elkeles, yet I don't know how I've managed to go on this long without reading other books besides her PERFECT CHEMISTRY...

    Anyway, enjoy all your reads, and thanks for stopping by the blog last week!

    Asher K.

  49. You got Divergent!
    Happy reading!

  50. You have an AWESOME list there. I can't wait for my copy of Divergent to come tomorrow... and Blood Magic sounded wonderful--I had already pre-ordered it and now I'll just have to wait for your review :).

    AND you borrowed Wither. Fantastic book!! I too have those Simon Elkeles books sitting in my mailbox, waiting to be read. It'd also be nice to see what you think, see if I should put them higher on the list :).

    5 great books! Looks like you've got quite the week ahead of you :). happy reading!!

  51. Wow, so many great books! I really can't wait to read Wither. I hope you like it! :)

  52. Divergent seems to be quite popular at the moment, even though just newly released. Hope you enjoy Wither! It's on my wishlist.
    My Bookshelf

  53. Wow! Awesomeee books! Happy Reading! =]

  54. Love the cover of Blood Magic. I recently finished Wither - can't wait for the next one to come out!

  55. I just started hearing about Blood Magic. It looks good. Added to the old TBR pile.

    I just got Wither too. Everyone tells me to get that one read sooner rather than later. So many books to read and never enough time. :D


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Happy Reading!