The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

The Summer I Turned Pretty
by Jenny Han

Pages: 276
Release Date: June 3rd 2010
Publisher: Puffin
Series: Summer #1
Other books in Series: It's Not Summer Without You, We'll always have Summer
Source: For Review from Publishers
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Some summers are just destined to be pretty.
Belly measures her life in summers. Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August. Winters are simply a time to count the weeks until the next summer, a place away from the beach house, away from Susannah, and most importantly, away from Jeremiah and Conrad. They are the boys that Belly has known since her very first summer -- they have been her brother figures, her crushes, and everything in between. But one summer, one wonderful and terrible summer, the more everything changes, the more it all ends up just the way it should have been all along

My Thoughts
Okay, so let's get a few things cleared and out of the way first of all. If you're a sucker for summer lovin' romance, beach and hot boys this book is right up your street. It's just totally for you. Those elements are what makes this the perfect summer read. Although The Summer I Turned Pretty wasn't as good as I thought it will be, I still enjoyed it and I liked reading it a lot.

Enter Belly. She's this girl who's cute and really kiddy I guess. She turns pretty and everything changes. People look at her differently and by people I say in specifics- Conrad and Jeremiah. Jeremiah is like the guy who's just your really bestest friend or brother even. He's so much fun and such great company. Then there's Conrad. And what can I say... Dude, he iss hot. (Not that Jer isn't) But then there's all the other little qualities that Conrad has. The annoying kind.

And another guy comes into the picture too. Cam. Bleugh. I rather no talk about him. Why did he need to come into the book at all!? You guys will definitely understand my dislike for this guy, when you read this. He takes up majority of the word count but I gotta admit he is a decent guy. But my heart is only for Con and Jer :D

Another thing, there's quite a few flash backs back from Belly's childhood and all those memories that she had at The Cousins. My all time favourite place! It really helps to understand Belly, Conrad and Jeremiah and how things were like. There's not much of a plot in The Summer I Turned Pretty. Though Han doesn't let us down by giving us scenes and moments that take our breath away. Especially near the end. And it's that ending that makes me crave for the next book, It's Not Summer Without You :)


  1. this series is so addictive! i have such a soft spot for it. i didn't see the point of cam either. great to see that you liked it :)

  2. Yeah, we feel like with all the hype, it would be hard for this book to live up. We're glad to know it's a solid read though. And no doubt a good summer book!

  3. I've recently discovered this book and I hope to read it one day. Thanks for the review.

  4. The book was a tad confusing at first because there are flashbacks to her previous summers at the beach house, yet I enjoyed this book very much. I am sorry if my review was a little confusing but I am writing this before I leave for my trip, so I am a little excited! Ha. I would recommend this book to every teenage girl who loves romance books with a little something else added to them.


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