New books released this June

A new month brings new books!
Now in this June 2012, many thrilling young adult books have been released, sitting in the bookstores waiting for people like you and me to pick up and indulge!
Here are a few...
(All titles linked to Goodreads)
June 1st

Saving June by Hannah Harrington

June 7th
 Burn Mark by Laura Powell
The Vampire of Highgate by Asa Bailey

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson
Shine by Jeri Smith-Ready

 The Selection by Kiera Cass
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

June 12th

The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
Rapture by Lauren Kate

How pine worthy are these releases! What do you want to read or need to read?
(NOTE: These are UK releases!)


  1. Really good books this month. I just finished reading Amy and Roger's Epic Detour and it was EPIC! :) now i'm looking forward to reading Second Chance summer and more of Morgan Matson works. I'm looking forward to read Grave Mercy and The Selcetion as well. Burn Mark and Emma Hearts L. A. look interesting.

    Thanks for sharing! =D

  2. Well, I have Saving June and I've read The Selection and Rapture, so at least I've made a good start on June releases! I really want to read Grave Mercy and Burn Mark though.

    ComaCalm's Corner =^.^=

  3. I love that Saving June is being released over here! I hope it does well.

  4. Definitely looking forward to The Vampire of Highgate and The Compelled.

  5. I'm looking forward to What's Up With Jody Barton. But I live in the US and I'm not sure it's coming here, at least not yet.


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Happy Reading!