In My Mailbox (5)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free. 
Clarisse and Mia here!
Here are the books that we got this week:
Anna and the Freanch Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Triskellion by Will Peterson
Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Speak no Evil by Mariyln Kaye
Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead
What's in your mailbox?


  1. Great books this week! I'm waiting for Anna and the French Kiss, and the cover for Triskellion is great!
    Here's my IMM, if you're interested:
    Have a great week!

  2. Great week! Anna and the French Kiss and Last Sacrafice ended up in a lot of peoples mailbox this week! Hope you enjoy them, Happy reading.

    Check out my very exciting IMM post!!

  3. So many people with Anna And The French Kiss this week, you all must be onto something! Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my post earlier Clarisse!

    jackie >_<

  4. Anna and Beautiful Darkness are so good! I still need to start Vampire Academy, but they look really good :D

  5. I just went to an Anna signing and meeting Stephanie was incredible!

    Happy reading!

    If you want to know what I got in my mailbox this week, check out my blog here-
    Merry Christmas!
    Gabrielle Carolina

  6. Awesome books! Loved Anna & The French Kiss, that book was awesome :)

    Happy reading!

  7. Last Sacrifice was so good. I hope you enjoy it!
    -Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal

  8. I'm still waiting for my copy of Last Sacrifice to come in the mail. :( Everyone seems to be receiving Anna and the French Kiss this week. I don't normally read contemporary YA, but I might have to read it to see what it's all about. Enjoy all of your books!

  9. Beautiful Darkness & Anna and the French Kiss are two that I got this week, too! Enjoy them!

    Have a look what I got this week! Happy reading!

  10. I got Anna and the French Kiss too! You got lots of great ones though! Here's my IMM Vlog-

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog !! You're so lucky to have Last Sacrifice! Unfortunately my copy is running late, I can't wait to receive it =) !!
    Happy reading ;)

  12. LAST SACRIFICE! YAH! I read it and it is amazing!

    Check out my IMM: Here

    Mariya @ Mystifying Paranormal Reviews

  13. I want to read Anna and the French Kiss. Everyone is saying it's great. Happy reading :D Thanks for visiting my blog!

  14. Ooh I so want to read ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS! I hope you enjoy.

  15. Great books!Triskellion is very good!
    Happy Readings

  16. What a great group of book! Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  17. You got Anna And The French kiss too! And i see Last Sacrifice! I'm pretty sure you will love it!

  18. All great picks this week. I need to get Beautiful Creatures/Darkness..everyone says how good they are :) Happy reading!

  19. Hi There!
    Thanks for the visit to my blog! I'm your newest follower. I'm jealous of Anna and the French Kiss. I've entered tons of giveaways trying to get a copy....I'm starting to think I need to buy one....

  20. Great books :D I still haven't read the Vampire Academy series, but now the final book has been released I think I'll start buying them :)

    Triskellion looks like a good book too, I really like the cover :)

  21. Can't wait to read Anna and Beautiful Darkness! Enjoy!

  22. i really want to read anna and the french kiss!! enjoy your books!!

  23. I have Anna & the French Kiss, but I haven't read it yet. I will be reading it soon though! I keep hearing how great it is, so can't wait. :)

  24. Some great books. l am sure you will have a great time reading them
    Books For Company

  25. Anna and the French kiss is on my wish list!

  26. Haven't heard of Triskellion but I like the cover. Enjoy your new books!

  27. Great books! Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite authors, and I love the cover of Triskellion. Enjoy!

  28. Awesome books! I'm reading Beautiful Darkness right now and love it!

  29. Great books this week! I've never heard of Triskellion before, I'll have to check it out! I hope you enjoy all of the books you received!! Happy reading. :)

  30. I got Last Sacrifice too and I can't wait to read Anna!
    Enjoy :)

  31. I cant wait to read Beautful Darkness! I hope you enjoy it!

  32. Hey guys!
    I've seen a lot of praise for Anna and the French Kiss - I'd love to read it. Hope you enjoy!
    My IMM is here: The Book Bundle

  33. All of your books look really good! Especially Last Sacrifice, haha ;) Loved that book. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  34. niceeee =D
    Now a Follower!
    Totally want anna and the french kiss!

    Jess :)

  35. Excellent books! Enjoy Anna, it's a good one.

  36. I LOVE Anna and the French Kiss..definitely one, if not the, favorite of the year.

    *swoons over Etienne* I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

  37. Great books this week. Happy reading!

  38. Oh man! Looks like a great week...I really think I may break down and buy Last Sacrifice. I have loved the series so far and I cant wait to get it, but I usually dont by anything substantial around christmas.

    Thanks for stopping by my place too!


  39. Wow! You have some really awesome books! I have Anna and The French Kiss and Beautiful Darkness on my wish list!

    Thanks for commenting on my #In My Mailbox post!

  40. Anna and the French Kiss is today in several mailboxes!

    Please check my Mailbox as well.

  41. Thanks for stopping by. Anna and the French Kiss and Last Sacrifice? Talk about a good haul!

  42. thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower :) you have a nice collection of books from this week! Enjoy!

  43. Anna!! If Chapters had actually shipped my order that WOULD have been IMM. *Sigh* Oh well ;)

  44. oooo I like! Triskellion by Will Peterson...I'll have to check those out!

  45. Thanks for stopping by! Oh you got Last Sacrifice! Lucky! Anna and the French Kiss is one of many books that I'm eagerly waiting for from the library. Enjoy! Also, the graphic novel of Coraline was great :o)

    I'm a new follower! Your 100th follower actually! Congrats on a 100 followers! Return the favor? We seem to have very similar tastes in books :oP Happy reading!

  46. Looks like a bunch of great books! I've heard really good things about Anna and the French Kiss, and I need to check out Speak No Evil. Enjoy your books

  47. great books! thanks for stopping by my mailbox.

  48. Beautiful Darkness is great!! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  49. Wow! Looks like everyone got Anna and the French Kiss this week, oh and Last Sacrifice. That is so cool.


  50. So many fantastic books. I loved Anna and the French Kiss. Happy Reading!

  51. Great books this week! New follower!!

  52. Looks great
    I think I'll be checking out Triskellion by Will Peterson

  53. Fab books! Especially Last Sacrifice and Anna!
    Doing a late IMM response this week. I'm just coming back from vacation - funny that I'm on the internet less when I have all this extra time.

  54. Yay for Last Sacrifice! I really enjoyed it and I hope you do as well.

  55. I've never heard of Triskellion, sounds interesting. Great haul this week! :)

  56. Just finished Last Sacrifice yesterday. Such a good book! I want to read Anna and the French Kiss. It looks really fun. I loved Beautiful Darkness too.

  57. Thank you for hopping by my blog. I have not heard of Triskellion or Gifted before. I am going to have to check them out on Goodreads.

  58. Thanks for the stopping by!! Great haul; can't wait for your reviews !

  59. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I love the books you got this week. I hope you enjoy them!

    Happy Reading,


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Happy Reading!