The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead
In the aftermath of a forbidden moment that rocked Sydney to her core, she finds herself struggling to draw the line between her Alchemist teachings and what her heart is urging her to do. Then she meets alluring, rebellious Marcus Finch--a former Alchemist who escaped against all odds, and is now on the run. Marcus wants to teach Sydney the secrets he claims the Alchemists are hiding from her. But as he pushes her to rebel against the people who raised her, Sydney finds that breaking free is harder than she thought. There is an old and mysterious magic rooted deeply within her. And as she searches for an evil magic user targeting powerful young witches, she realizes that her only hope is to embrace her magical blood--or else she might be next.
My Thoughts
Sydney, what a development! And yes, I am predominately talking about the ending few pages which lead me to reach this conclusion. Her beliefs of as an Alchemist which she had always stayed strong to, always believed they were right, has now made her question her upbringing due to seriously unforeseen events. Yes, our Sydney Sage has become more independent than ever, making her take choices she never would have thought she’ll think twice about.
Bringing in, the perfect time for me to mention Adrian. Oh Adrian. What is there left to say that I haven’t said already in my reviews of the last two books. Other than emphasising on his hotness, his hotness and his HOTNESS, there are so so many amazing things. Like, how am glad he is still pining wait chasing Sydney bearing in mind her after-reaction of their kiss in The Golden Lily. Thankfully, Adrian is only keeping in mind her immediate-reaction to that kiss. He knows how she really feels and he would do anything for her to know that he felt it too, damn it! At least we are however bestowed with flirty and i-need-more moments ;)
Now, the main plots and events? Hey ho, we meet Marcus Finch. There was so much hype about this guy, he's not all I thought he would have been to be honest with you. Then there's wiiitttchhhheeess, yes - something new for Richelle. Together, we have some action and magic there. It was good just like all the other plots in the bloodlines novels but I have to admit, I wasn't as captured as I was in comparison to the VA series.
Richelle is definitely playing this series out just niceeee-ly. I am so giddy, I want to read the next oneeeee, The Fiery Heart. Especially cause' I WANT MORE ADRIAN.
Other books in series:
Top Ten Authors on my Auto-buy List
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week bloggers all over the blogosphere create a top ten list based on that week's theme. This weeks theme is our Top Ten authors in our auto-buy list!
Stephanie Perkins
Richelle Mead
Lauren Oliver
Jennifer E Smith
Lauren Henderson
Read any books by these authors people, I assure you, they will be goooooood!
Leave your links in the comments :)
OMG, Have I actually found some downsides to ARCs?
Lets talk about Advanced Readers Copies :)
Okay, you guys are probably thinking 'what on earth is Mia on about?' How can there possibly be a downside to reading ARC's, right? Am I in the right state of mind? Yes, I am feeling perfectly fine and I am going to answer all those questions. We bloggers adore, love and cherish every.single. ARC we acquire and frickin have a little happy dance every time we get one but hey I am a very picky person. Apparently, this is where pickiness gets me- some good ol' PRO's and CON's list making.
PRO #1

CON #1
If that particular ARC is in a book series and you really really enjoyed reading it, then you will then have to wait an age to read the next book. Consequently, also causing book-amnesia is the process. So by the time you gets to the next book, you're there forgetting all the deets in the book! Whaaaaaaaat a bummer!
PRO #2
You get to read the book way before everyone else. What a great perk! Basically, you get to brag a lot. (' Hey, no not that I brag. =P) That is where you're on Twitter or Facebook or whatever gushing about how... 'Yup I have got an Advanced Reading Copy of that book. So Yeah. Haha!
CON #2
But wait! There's something else. What? It's seems that I'm not the only one getting an ARC of that book! jshfksdnPerson 1: Whaaaattt? Are you serious? There are others?
Person 2: You're not that special now huh!
PRO #3
You get to see how the book looks in print. Yayyy us. You can put it on your bookshelf and just admire it. And be staring at your ARC. Hmmmmmm. What a wonderful feeling :)
CON #3
Some ARCs look horrendous! Okay that may be an exaggeration, but seeing as though it's not the actual copy, publishers don't bother with the design. I for one, cannot have an ARC on my bookshelf. It's just not as good as a final copy.
PRO #4
Myself personally, I get quite a few page views on my ARC reviews. It comforting to know people are actually reading you review. How nice!
CON #4
Then, the release date of the ARC is approaching. I'm happy happy writing my review getting it all ready. Then I post my review. I feel so happy! But wait. An hour as passed. A few hours. A day. I'm getting no comments! Whats going on??? Oh. Not many people have read it so they feel they have nothing to say. Argh!
I admit! This was just for a little bit of fun. I just wanted to see how many CONs I can actually think of. But as you can see I was completely unsuccessful as with the very small number of 4 petty downsides. And in relation to the PROs, you and I both know there are waaaaayy more than 4. So, it just shows that there aren't many CON's... or are there?
Share your thoughts in the comments :D
Top Ten Characters I Love in New Adult books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week bloggers all over the blogosphere create a top ten list based on that week's theme. This weeks theme is our Top Ten favorite characters in whatever genre we choose. And I chose New Adult! Okay, it may not be classed as a genre rather like an age category I suppose? But whatever idc I'm too excited :D In no particular order...
Losing It by Cora Carmack
Garrick - I love how he's so intellectual and he's also a teacher ;) Mainly, I loved the fact that he wasn't a player and he was genuinely interested in Bliss. And gosh, Carmack made him sound so hot especially with all that Shakespeare talk, hmmm
Easy by Tammara Webber
Erin - Readers of Easy would probably like Jaqueline or Brandon/Lucus more but Erin actually really stuck to me. I just really liked her loyalty to her friend and always trying to be there for her best friend. Yay, girl power!
Going to Far by Jennifer Echols
John After - He is my guy. Also, a police office I should mention but he's not seriously older as you might assume. Anyhow, he's a really really good character.
The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski
Andrew - He has a few issues to deal with. A lot going on. Even though, he might not know what to do in that moment, he comes around and does the right thing :)
Pushing the Limitis by Katie McGarry
Echo - I don't completely know why, but there was something about echo that I really liked. I think maybe because of after everything she's been through, the person she has become, she's stayed strong in her own way. (classed as NA according to GoodReads, btw)
Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles
I loved both Marcus and Keira. They are both my favourite! Their alternating perspectives were such a joy to read!!
Between the Lines by Tammara Webber
Reid - Another Webber book! I surprisingly liked Reid, you'd think I wouldn't cause of the whole bad boy image thing but I looked past that when I saw how much he liked Emma. Aww!
Okay okay, I admit I haven't read many New Adult books. Heck, I haven't had time to read many books at that. But yup there's my seven! What do you think? If you have any NA recommendations please do let me know in the comments :D
Speechless by Hannah Harrington
Book Reviews,
Hannah Harrington,
Young Adult
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Pages: 288
Release Date: 1st February 2013
Publisher: MIRA ink
Add it: Goodreads
Everyone knows that Chelsea Knot can’t keep a secret
Until now. Because the last secret she shared turned her into a social outcast—and nearly got someone killed.
Now Chelsea has taken a vow of silence—to learn to keep her mouth shut, and to stop hurting anyone else. And if she thinks keeping secrets is hard, not speaking up when she’s ignored, ridiculed and even attacked is worse.
But there’s strength in silence, and in the new friends who are, shockingly, coming her way—people she never noticed before; a boy she might even fall for. If only her new friends can forgive what she’s done. If only she can forgive herself.
My Thoughts
Imagine you've done something wrong, something you know you should stop and something which result cannot be fixed. How would you feel? Really awfully bad right? And this perfectly describes Chelsea. She believed she was the cause of a tragedy. And she felt so bad. So bad that she took a vow of silence.
For Chelsea, that is big indeed. She's a sucker for gossip- basically she is the Queen of Babble. Like I have mentioned, it all changes for her. No friends. A social outcast. Nothing. And this, I actually liked. Cause, without her friends we get to see who Chelsea really is. I really liked her character though she was punishing herself a bit too much. But, I get where she's coming from and we really get to see everything going on in her head.
When she finally does speak up, I was relieved. It would have been better if it was earlier as it was for a long time. But one little thing that did bug me was when she started to speaking again I thought it would be something spectacular. You know like, big words, big ideas - reality check dudes! I'm not saying it wasn't good it was, just not up to my expectations I think.
Aside from Chelsea, what about the other characters? I really really liked Asha. She looks past people's fault and is always so nice and so sweet! Then there's Noah and Andy. They're all such a fun and colourful bunch.
Oh including Sam - the love interest. *sigh* He's a really nice guy and also seems so very perfect. What I really like about Sam, is you couldn't be sure of his feeling. There wasn't the insta-love thing going on. That's to be expected seeing as Sam didn't really like Chelsea at first. When they first started talking it was on a project they had to work together so he wasn't head over heels about it. That was the build up to a friendship and more.
Hannah Harrington is an amazing writer. Read her books people. Especially Speechless cause it truly left me speechless :D
Other Books: Saving June
Letterbox Love (02)
Letterbox Love is a weekly meme hosted by Lynsey at Narratively Speaking. It is the UK alternative to IMM, where we get to showcase all the great books we've received during the week! This is my first letterbox post since I've come back (: not much books this week though! Also, if you've noticed, I've changed the look to the blog. I'm still working on it especially on the colours as there is too too much grey. But hey, the theme is kinda nice right?
For Review:
The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead
This is the third book in the Bloodlines series! I've read it as soon as I got it and yes, I am loving how this series is going!
Speechless by Hannah Harrington
After reading Saving June, I needing more Hannah Harrington! It was an amazing book and Speechless is also good in comparison. Review to come soon (:
This is what happy looks like by Jennifer E. Smith (ARC)
EEEEEEkkkk! *Happy Dance* I got this today and am reading it as I we speak correspond:P
Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter
ALLY CARTER IS AMAZING. And she is one of my all time favourite authors. Read this and love it too, review to come very soon and OMG even an interview so keep your eyes out!
What did you get in your letterbox this week?
Leave your links in the comments below!
New books released this February
A new month brings new books.
Now this February 2013, many thrilling young adult books have been released in the UK, sitting on the bookshelves waiting for people like you and me to pick up and indulge!
Now this February 2013, many thrilling young adult books have been released in the UK, sitting on the bookshelves waiting for people like you and me to pick up and indulge!
Here are a few...
(Click on image to add to Goodreads and book title to link to Amazon UK )
A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge
Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood
Infinite Sky by C. J Flood
28th Feb

Unremembered by Jessica Brody
Gilt by Katherine Longshore
The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

Burn for Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian
Envy by Elizabeth Miles
Missing Me by Sophie McKenzie
The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

Envy by Elizabeth Miles
Missing Me by Sophie McKenzie
How pine worthy are these releases! What do you want to read or need to read?
(NOTE: These are UK releases!
If I've missed out any UK releases do let me know in the comments!)
If I've missed out any UK releases do let me know in the comments!)
Movie news: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead CAST!!
Movie News,
Preger Entertainment,
Richelle Mead,
Vampire Academy
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And this is where I share the amazing news in regards to Vampire Academy! I actually had no idea that it was going to be produced into a movie. Until I happened to cross one of Richelle's blog posts
I am obviously jumping with joy as the Vampire Academy series is one my most favourite books. I'm currently following everything related to The Mortal Instruments movie at the moment and cannot wait until the release!
Anyhow, Richelle tells us the main cast and although it's not actors/actresses that I know of I can surely say they do fit the role (though I am a bit iffy on the casting of Lissa) especially Rose and especially especially Dimitri cause that actor is indeed Russian. So perfect! wow.
Zoey Deutch as Rose Hathaway | Danila Kozlovsky as Dimitri Belicov
Lucy Fry as Lissa Dragomir

Richelle also tells us how the movie title will be changing. No! Don't despair, the original title Vampire Academy stays, though a little bit will be added on where the full title will be Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters. I totally get why they decided to add that extra bit. And like I said you can get more info here
What are your thoughts? Do the actors/actresses suit their role?
Or were you hoping for someone else to play a particular role? I've heard many of you say you would love Ben Barnes to play Dimitri.
Let me know in the comments :D
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