Letterbox love (03)
Letterbox Love is a weekly meme hosted by Lynsey at Narratively Speaking. It is the UK alternative to IMM, where we get to showcase all the great books we've received during the week!
For Review
Requiem by Lauren Oliver
OMG is This Actually my Life by Rae Earl
Feed by M T Anderson
The Sleeping Baobab Tree by Paula Leyden
Wild Boy by Rob Lloyd Jones
Flip by Martyn Bedford
Monkey Wars by Richard Kurti
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
Got some ah-mazing books don't you think?
What did you get in you letterbox? Make sure to leave your links in the comments so I can stop by your post :)
For Review
Requiem by Lauren Oliver
OMG is This Actually my Life by Rae Earl
Feed by M T Anderson
The Sleeping Baobab Tree by Paula Leyden
Wild Boy by Rob Lloyd Jones
Flip by Martyn Bedford
Monkey Wars by Richard Kurti
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
Got some ah-mazing books don't you think?
What did you get in you letterbox? Make sure to leave your links in the comments so I can stop by your post :)
If I Were to Become a Writer
I'm sure readers, or more especially bloggers have thought of writing at least once. Writing a story, words that you can bring to life so that others can cherish. I have. I've thought about writing quite often throughout my blogging period. Especially whilst I am reading.
As its only when I read that I find sometimes, there are certain things that really stand out to me. These are the things, I 'd want to include If I were to be a writer one day, someday.
At first, I was thinking of making this a single post and list all the elements I would want to include in my kind of book. Though, the list got too long and then I found it was better doing separate posts. So I might probably make it a weekly thing so...
If I Were to Become a Writer...
I would want to write words with meaning. Words that a reader would hold close and remember. Words with depth. I would want to write like this...

My first inspiration.
To this date, I have only read a single book by John Green. Saying that the first book I did read The Fault in our Stars was enough to instantly mark all his books as complete must reads. And, it was in that particular book where I read this quote and it instantly held a place in my heart and was constantly at my minds edge. Beautiful, is it not? It's amazing. really amazing how John Green cleverly worded his thoughts with comparisons and feeling in the best way possible. I want to be able to write words as beautiful as this. And, there are many more passages in the book in which I also adored but none shone out like this one.
What are your thoughts on this? Have you ever read a quote or even a passage which really struck out to you? Let me know of some of your favourites and why! Also, I would really appreciate to let me know if you would like this to be a regular feature, in the comments please!
Requiem by Lauren Oliver
Book Reviews,
Hodder and Stoughton,
Lauren Oliver,
Young Adult
Who posted this?
by Lauren Oliver
Pages: 400 pages
Release Date: March 21st 2013
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Add it: GoodreadsBattling against a society in which love has been declared a disease, Lena now finds herself at the center of a fierce revolution. But the Wilds are no longer the haven they once were as the government seeks to stamp out the rebels. And Lena's emotions are in turmoil following the dramatic return of someone she thought was lost forever... Told from the alternating viewpoints of Lena and her best friend Hana, Requiem brings the Delirium trilogy to an exhilarating end and showcases Lauren Oliver at the height of her writing powers - emotionally powerful and utterly enthralling
Warning: this review will contain some minor spoilers!
My Thoughts
Before I enlighten you with the depths of my thoughts regarding Requiem, let me tell you this. If you haven't read this series, frickin'
Oh Requiem! It is different just like the other books Delirium and Pandemonium. This time, the chapters are told from the viewpoints of Lena and Hana. A great change! I particularly enjoyed reading Hana's chapter. I actually didn't think I would after her intentions being revealed in the short story novella Hana but at the end all was well. She made more discoveries and also lots of things associated with the cure so the action was much more entertaining to read.
Don't get me wrong, I loved reading Lena's chapters too. Lena, along with her companions on a mission with the invalids fighting for whats right. And, come on! I was itching to know what was going to happen in this love triangle.
Both the love interests I adore - Jullian and Alex. Though, my heart is set on Alex . Even though we see a different side to him in this book but you can tell he does still care about Lena. We see his yearn of protection. Awww I am forever and will be Team Alex. I always tend to cheer on the guy that is introduced first! But he's so the better choice. Saying that there's this other girl that's set her eyes on Alex too. I know! Boo hoo, her names Coral and yes, I do not like her.
Ending? Would you even call that an ending? I was there like, hoooooold on what just happened? I'm talking in relation the love triangle. I have so many feelings! Cause Lauren Oliver does just what she does best, expect the unexpected and prepare to be left hanging! I don't care anyways cause I just have way too much love for this series! And now lets cry, cause now its come to an end!
Buy it: Amazon UK | Amazon US
Other books in series: Delirium | Pandemonium
But hold on. It's the beginning of an end ;D
did you know,
Apparently, I am TOO OLD to read YA?
For those of you that know me, and know my age also are aware of the fact how I am certainly NOT OLD. Get this, I still have the suffix teen attached to my age though under the eyes of the law I am classed as an adult but whateverr
So why am I obsessing over this predicament?
Only because it was compared to with my young adult books at a certain conversation I had with my sister*. I was peacefully reading a book, enjoying the view until she decides to come and disrupt me with her useless thoughts
Me: (reading a book)
Sister: what you reading
Me: a book
Sister: yeah oh a teenag--
Sister: same thing
Sister: arn't you like too old
Me: (drops the book whilst ripping the page)
How can anyone say that? That is like the meanist thing ever not forgetting to mention the fact that a page of the book RIPPED. Like total ripp-age. My book RIPPED. My precious book RIPPED.
Okay I'm going to stop now.
But you get the whole who-ha right?The book ripping :P but that I'm too old to read YA. Who ever heard of such a thing? Of anyone being too old to read a particular book? I know that I'm not too old, I'm still a frickin teenager helllooooo but it just seemed so shocking that I had to post it and hey it also made me wonder...
I'm a teenager and I read young adult books. But even when adults read it, like proper adults read teenage books I also think its okay. Why not? These 'YA' books that we read are classed as YA to portray in what levels the content will range from and where the limits in certain things would be. Yes, it does also aim at certain audiences but it's not to say other older audiences cannot read these books.
I would really love to know what are your thoughts on this
How can anyone say that? That is like the meanist thing ever not forgetting to mention the fact that a page of the book RIPPED. Like total ripp-age. My book RIPPED. My precious book RIPPED.
Okay I'm going to stop now.
But you get the whole who-ha right?
I'm a teenager and I read young adult books. But even when adults read it, like proper adults read teenage books I also think its okay. Why not? These 'YA' books that we read are classed as YA to portray in what levels the content will range from and where the limits in certain things would be. Yes, it does also aim at certain audiences but it's not to say other older audiences cannot read these books.
I would really love to know what are your thoughts on this
*It is best not to talk to siblings that abhor books about books
**this is mainly a message for my sister in the rare event that she does decide to check my blog
**this is mainly a message for my sister in the rare event that she does decide to check my blog
Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter
by Ally Carter
Pages: 352
Release Date: 7th February 2013
Publisher: Orchard
Add it: Goodreads
Katarina Bishop and W.W. Hale the fifth were born to lead completely different lives: Kat comes from a long, proud line of lovable criminal masterminds, while Hale is the scion of one of the most seemingly perfect dynasties in the world. If their families have one thing in common, it’s that they both know how to stay under the radar while getting—or stealing—whatever they want.
No matter the risk, the Bishops can always be counted on, but in Hale’s family, all bets are off when money is on the line. When Hale unexpectedly inherits his grandmother’s billion dollar corporation, he quickly learns that there’s no place for Kat and their old heists in his new role. But Kat won’t let him go that easily, especially after she gets tipped off that his grandmother’s will might have been altered in an elaborate con to steal the company’s fortune. So instead of being the heir—this time, Hale might be the mark.
Forced to keep a level head as she and her crew fight for one of their own, Kat comes up with an ambitious and far-reaching plan that only the Bishop family would dare attempt. To pull it off, Kat is prepared to do the impossible, but first, she has to decide if she’s willing to save her boyfriend’s company if it means losing the boy.
My Thoughts
Ally Carter is frickin' awesomeness! I cannot possibly get enough of this author. Perfect Scoundrels was exactly how I thought it would be. I loved how it was different to the other books and it was a pleasure to read. No doubt, it is a perfect addition to the Heist Society series.
Kat has an entirely different mission this time around. Wonderfully enough, it revolves around our Hale! We just cannot get enough of this boy can we? In Perfect Scoundrels we get to see a more about the boy behind the 'name'. How the life of W.W. Hale the fifth really is and no before you ask we still do not find out what his real name is or whatever.
Though, you really forget about that when we're lured into Hales world. I particularly was interested in Hale's grandmother. Its evident that they had a real good relationship and it would have been nice to actually have some moments with them. Not possibly obviously, synopsis check!
As always there's some kind of heist going on. This time, Kat may not have Hale with her but you can see how much she wants to help the boy she loves and how much she cares for him. Like, he is the heist. The problem to solve. And this was just so exciting, it was different and fresh. It was fun figuring out what Kat and the crew (yes they're still there too) would do next. Its so amazing how Carter pieces the story together. Every bit of detail is crucial. It's a wonder how on earth she does it. But, if anyone can get mysteries making and trouble just right its Ally Carter.
Other books in series:
Heist Society | Uncommon Criminals
BLOG TOUR: Chris Higgins author of The Day I Met Suzie, Interview!

'My boyfriend could get into trouble if he gets caught. He could go to jail.' I moan softly. 'So could I.' 'Anything you tell me is completely confidential.' I sigh deeply. What have I got to lose? 'I wouldn't know where to begin.' 'At the beginning?' she says. 'In your own words.' So that's what I do. I start at the beginning like she says. The day I met Suzie. Indigo (Indie) rings the Samaritans. She is frightened and desperate with no one to turn to. Over the course of one long night, Indie tells her story to the person on the end of the phone. She realises that her friend Suzie has taken over her home, her friends, her work, her boyfriend - and her life. After every few chapters we are brought back to the present moment, and see how piecing the story together helps Indie progress towards resolution.
Tell us about The Day I Met Suzie, in 140 characters Twitter style!
Beware of people who take over your life and bleed you dry. Suzie’s on the prowl. @hodderchildrens
Indie finds that Suzie slowly takes complete control of her life. What inspired you to write
such a story?
I am always intrigued by the way we tend to divide people into good or bad. I wanted to explore the characters of two seemingly completely different girls of the same age. Indie is pretty, popular, motivated and successful; Suzie is a sad, lonely loser. Indie wants to rescue people; Suzie needs to be rescued. Indie has a social conscience, Suzie has no conscience whatsoever. Suzie goes through life exploiting people for her own ends and then, having got her way, moves on leaving a trail of devastation in her wake, with no feelings of regret or remorse. Some might say she’s a psychopath. But she meets her match in kindly, law- abiding Indie who eventually manages to turn the tables on her. So, who is actually the good girl/bad girl in this story?
There are many twists in The Day I Met Suzie. Did you cross any difficulties in the writing process?

Mystery is also a vital part in The Day I Met Suzie. How did you try to maintain the suspense or does it just flow naturally from you?
I sometimes think I live in a state of permanent bewilderment at the ways of the world. I am constantly surprised by events in the news where people seem to be living perfectly ordinary lives but actually there is far more to them than meets the eye. People choose to present a face to the world but often they are far more mysterious than they appear on the surface. I tried to reveal Suzie’s character slowly so that she draws in the reader and fools her (or him!) just like she fools Indie.
The Day I Met Suzie deals with a lot of issues. What valuable message did you hope readers to gain?
It’s so easy to fall into debt and so hard to get out of. Don’t always take people at face value.
Which books are you most excited for this year?
“After Eden” by Helen Douglas.
“Night Witches” by L J Adlington
“Fractured” by Teri Terry
New books released this March
A new month brings new books.
Now this March 2013, many thrilling young adult books have been released in the UK, sitting on the bookshelves waiting for people like you and me to pick up and indulge!
Now this March 2013, many thrilling young adult books have been released in the UK, sitting on the bookshelves waiting for people like you and me to pick up and indulge!
Here are a few...
(Click on image to add to Goodreads and book title to link to Amazon UK )
7th March
The Day I Met Suzie by Chris Higgins
Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
Siege by Sarah Mussi
Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys
19th March
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
21st March
Requiem by Lauren Oliver
28th March
Everafter by Elizabeth Chandler
7th March
The Day I Met Suzie by Chris Higgins
Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
Siege by Sarah Mussi
Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys
19th March
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
21st March
Requiem by Lauren Oliver
28th March
Everafter by Elizabeth Chandler
How pine worthy are these releases! What do you want to read or need to read?
(NOTE: These are UK releases!
If I've missed out any UK releases do let me know in the comments!)
If I've missed out any UK releases do let me know in the comments!)
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