Top 10 Books I'm Looking Forward to in 2012!

I've decided to join in the blog event at the end seeing as this is the most exciting post of them all. Anyways here are the Top 10 Books I'm Looking Forward to in 2012!
(All books linked to Goodreads)

by Jodi Meadows

I have to admit, one of the main reasons I want to read this is because of the cover! It's GORGEOUS! I hope it lives up to the book! I really like it and plus its by a debut author so it can count towards my reading challenge :)

by Veronica Roth

 So, I've read Divergent and absolutely fell in LOVE with it. It was one of the best books I read in 2011! The ending was amazing and so it kept me captivated in the series wanting to read more. I need Insurgent!

by Richelle Mead

I am a MAJOR Vampire Academy fan! After reading Bloodlines and loving it oh and the ending? Was a total OMG moment. I crave more Adrian! I cannot wait until this is released! Richelle Mead's books are simply the best seriously, gotta read em :D

by Lauren Oliver

Ahhhhh Delirium! That was another great book. Gotta love dystopian novels! I love the characters, especially Alex! I need more of him. Yet again, the ending of this one was also a stunner. I have to know how this series will continue.

by Brodi Ashton

OMG. cover to this one too! Definitely pine worthy! Not only that, I've heard many great things about this one and it sounds so good! I hope it lives up to my expectations, oh and it would look so pretty on my bookshelf!

by Julie Cross

Tempest sounds exactly my type of book! It's the start of a new series that I can't wait to get into. It sounds really really good and just look at the cover as well. How graceful...

by Veronica Rossi

Hmmmm. One of those books, where the protagonists are star crossed lovers! I always love a good romance. I can't wait to get stuck into this one!
by Jennifer E. Smith

One heck of a title don't you think? Very clever, indeed! It makes you think of what the book can actually be about. The synopsis also leaves you wanting more. Another love book. YAY!

by Kelly Creagh

I read Nevermore right at the start of 2011 and since then I've been craving for the book that followed. A dark romance with an exciting plot. What more could a girl ask for? *sigh*

by Ally Carter

First of all can I just say how much I disapprove of the UK cover! All the other ones rock and this one... bleughh. Though, I AM DYING TO READ THIS! Did you guys realise long we had to wait to read this book! UNFAIR. So, I really have to read this, quick, quick, quick to see what Cammie gets up to next!

There are SO many more I cannot wait to read! So many book, so little time... Leave a comment to your post if you have joined in too.
Let me know your thoughts :)

2012 ABC Reading Challenge

With many blogs hosting fabulous challenges for the new year it got me thinking. This year, rather than just participating in challenges, I should host one too! So, me, Cicley from Ciecly Loves Books and April from Book Geek Central after a lot of thinking we came up with...

2012 ABC Reading Challenge
Basically, it's where you read a book that begins with each letter of the alphabet from A-Z. Yes, I realise books starting with X Y or Z will be near to impossible to find but try your best! And if you do manage to hit 26 books, you're just awesome!

You should join definitely join this challenge. It's fun and a great way to discover new authors and books. The challenge will run until January 2013.

Here are some buttons I made!
Make sure you save them on your computer first before posting it on your blog.

How to enter
Create a list on your blog or Goodreads with your list of books. You can create a list of books that you want to read or start a blank list and add the books as you read them. Once you have created your list come back here and add it to the linky below! Make sure that you post it on the same blog/Goodreads that you are going to post your reviews on throughout the year.

Prize packs are to be won each month. All participants are instantly entered for a chance to win!
We are still in the process of deciding the prize packs ;D

You need to be a book blogger or have a GoodReads account.
Any book fictional book released in 2012 will count towards the challenge. MG, Young Adult or Adult.
Make a blog post/Goodreads list on the books you plan on reading and then link back here.
Sign ups end at June 2012

Any questions? Just comment below :D

My Favourite Books and Moments of 2011

I thought it'll be great if I join in with this awesome end of year book survey hosted by Jamie at The Perpetual Page-Turner in taking a look back at my favourite books and moments of 2011!

1. Best Book You Read In 2011?
ONE BOOK? HA.HA.HA. Here's my top 5 (in no particular order) :)
 Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
Naked by Kevin Brooks
Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson
Blood Red Road by Moira Young
Divergent by Veronica Roth

2. Most Disappointing Book/Book You Wish You Loved More Than You Did?
Ten Things We Did by Sarah Milowski.
NOT DISAPPOINTING. At all. I just really expected it to be extremely extremely good. And even though I enjoyed reading it, it wasn't as good as I thought it'll be.

3. Most surprising (in a good way!) book of 2011?
Hereafter by Tara Hudson
I should have known I'll love this book. It's about ghosts, I just love fictional ghosts =L

4. Book you recommended to people most in 2011?
ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS! Ahh. I read Anna back in 2010, but I still made all my friends read this. And, they ended up loving it as much as I did. Who wouldn't? I thoroughly recommend this book guys!

5. Best series you discovered in 2011?
Not one. come on! Two. I am so fangirling over The Hunger Games (1,2,3) by Suzanne Collins & The Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter. They both rock my socks! I cannot wait to watch The Hunger Games movie and read the next book in The Gallagher Girls series!!!

6. Favourite new authors you discovered in 2011?
Sarah Dessen, Lauren Henderson, Ally Carter, Suzanne Collins, Jenny Han, Lauren Oliver, Veronica Roth. Seriously. This list can go on. FOREVER. :)

7. Best book that was out of your comfort zone or was a new genre for you?
Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs
About MERMAIDS! Come on. It's total Disney stuff. BUT, I gave it a go and I surprisingly enjoyed reading it. It was just SO CUTE.

8. Most thrilling, unputdownable book in 2011?
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
After Anna, I NEEDED to read LOLA. It was soo good, I read it all in one sitting. It was just THAT good :)

9. Book you most anticipated in 2011?
Forever by Maggie Stievfater
I really wanted to know how the series would end seeing as the ending of Linger was OMG.
10. Favourite cover of a book you read in 2011?
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
I'd hang this on my wall and FRAME IT if I could.

11. Most memorable character in 2011?
MARCUS!! from the Jessica Darling books! I LOOOOOVEEEE HIMMM ;D

12. Most beautifully written book read in 2011?
Shatter Me by Taharah Mafi
I was entranced. It was magnific!

13. Book that had the greatest impact on you in 2011?
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
It just really made me think a lot. Even when I would be reading other books. I'd just be thinking about it.

14. Book you can't believe you waited UNTIL 2011 to finally read?
Afterlife by Claudia Gray
First book was amazing. Exciting series. Though, I have to say how much I didn't like how the series ended off in this installment.

15. Favourite Passage/Quote From A Book You Read In 2011
The last last line in Bloodlines by Richelle Mead. I'd be spoiling if I'd told you what it was!

16. Book That You Read In 2011 That Would Be Most Likely To Reread In 2012?
I actually re-read a lot of my favourite books. LOL. But, The Jessica Darling series would definitely be the first on my list.

17. Book that had a scene in it that had you reeling and dying to talk to somebody about it?
Things really did get graphical! :O If you've seen the graphic novel and know what I mean, we should really talk!

I can't believe this year has been over SO SOON. Oh and with so many amazing books! Let me know your thoughts :)

The Hunger Games Soundtrack!

Okay, so I'm pretty sure most of you's haven't watched this. When it was released you guys were probably busy opening presents and chugging down turkey? Yep. I thought so! Better to post it today when all the hype of Christmas has settled, well anyways I get to the point, YOU GUYS HAVE TO TOTALLY CHECK THIS OUT.

"Safe & Sound" by Taylor Swift, featuring The Civil Wars, straight off The Hunger Games movie soundtrack. OMG.
I've always been a fan of Taylor Swift! Her songs never fail to please me. So, yeah I love this. Though, some may hate it but whatever. I just had to to share it!!
Let me know your thoughts :)

Mad Love by Suzanne Selfors

Mad Love
by Suzanne Selfors

Pages: 336
Release Date: June 6th 2011
Publisher:  Bloomsbury
Source: For Review from Publishers
Buy it: Amazon
Add it: Goodreads
When you're the daughter of the bestselling Queen of Romance, life should be pretty good. But 16-year-old Alice Amorous has been living a lie ever since her mother was secretly hospitalized for mental illness. After putting on a brave front for months, time is running out. The next book is overdue, and the Queen can't write it. Alice needs a story for her mother-and she needs one fast.
That's when she meets Errol, a strange boy who claims to be Cupid, who insists that Alice write about the greatest love story in history: his tragic relationship with Psyche. As Alice begins to hear Errol's voice in her head and see things she can't explain, she must face the truth-that she's either inherited her mother's madness, or Errol is for real.

My Thoughts
What can I say about Mad Love? As soon as I saw the title, I knew that I just had to read it. I wanted to see how 'Mad', 'Love' can actually get. Mad Love wasn't amazing or anything like that but I did enjoy reading it. It was a fun, light yet quick read.

Alice's mother is famous. She's known as the Queen of Romance because of her exceptional romance novels. Though, she's now in hospital and her next novel has to be written for publishing. Alice is now in a very sticky situation but then someone emerges, with the name Errol and he may possibly be able to help her out.

When I started reading Mad Love, I really enjoyed it. I love the pace. The new characters that were introduced and the problems that had arisen. Though, after a while, I felt that the story lost a bit of its touch for me. I should have known, seeing as the title is Mad Love so it would definitely relate to that!

Alice is bubbly and childish. She does some really funny things whilst crushing on a guy called Tony she sees very often. Their romance is very cute! Oh and Errol is quite nice too. He's kind of weird but that's to be expected when he claims to be something you wouldn't even imagine someone would actually claim to be.

Mad Love is truly a funny and amusing read!

Author news: Hana (A Delirium Story) by Lauren Oliver!


Are you a Lauren Oliver fan?
Well, then listen up! Hodder & Stoughton, Lauren Oliver's publishers have an amazing Christmas treat!

Whilst you're eagerly awaiting its sequel, Pandemonium, out in March, you can read Lauren's amazing short story, Hana. It's told from the point of view of Lena's best friend (who, you might have guessed, has some secrets of her own…) There's a shocking twist to her tale that will leave you with your heart in your mouth. The short story is out exclusively in eBook this Christmas - it's available to buy for just 99p for a limited time only over the festive season.

Now, we know you'll be desperate to order it immediately, but we have a favour to ask you. We'd love to give Lauren the best Christmas present ever: seeing Hana at number one in the eBook charts on Christmas Day.
 Merry Christmas - Lauren Oliver - Hodder & Stoughton<
Will you help us get it there by joining in on one big Christmas Eve push? If we all buy it on the 24th December, that will propel it up the charts into (hopefully!) the top spot.

SO. Lets all support Lauren Oliver. Buy Hana and hopefully it number one on the eBook charts!Happy holidays! :)

Hereafter by Tara Hudson

by Tara Hudson

Pages: 404
Release Date: 7the June 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins
Source: For Review from Publishers
Buy it: Amazon
Add it: Goodreads

Can there truly be love after death?
Drifting in the dark waters of a mysterious river, the only thing Amelia knows for sure is that she's dead. With no recollection of her past life—or her actual death—she's trapped alone in a nightmarish existence. All of this changes when she tries to rescue a boy, Joshua, from drowning in her river. As a ghost, she can do nothing but will him to live. Yet in an unforgettable moment of connection, she helps him survive.
Amelia and Joshua grow ever closer as they begin to uncover the strange circumstances of her death and the secrets of the dark river that held her captive for so long. But even while they struggle to keep their bond hidden from the living world, a frightening spirit named Eli is doing everything in his power to destroy their new found happiness and drag Amelia back into the ghost world . . . forever.
Thrilling and evocative, with moments of pure pleasure, Hereafter is a sensation you won't want to miss.

My Thoughts
I've had Hereafter on my bookshelf for a pretty long time. I wasn't planning on reading it for a while and by that I mean a very long time. But then, I had an urge to read something ghostly and so Hereafter it was. Now, I just regret not reading this sooner!

Amelia is a ghost. She's dead, hanging around Earth not having a clue of what her past life had held. Until one day. A car accident happened where she saved a boy called Joshua from drowning. This was the first time someone actually saw her. The first time someone talked to her. The first time she could really figure out things about herself.

I've always had a thing for ghosts. Fictional ghosts. Obviously! And so as I read Hereafter, I was instantly entrapped in this world of love, death and possibilities. I loved how Amelia as a ghost saw things in the world and really got in touch with everything even though she really couldn't connect with anything or anyone.

Except Joshua. Joshua is just someone else entirely. I love his character. I love how he brings warmth wherever he goes, how he cares for Amelia and how he is such a good good good character. Though, I don't really like his name but that's not really an issue.

Things really picked up as Joshua and Amelia started to know each other more and more. Everything become more exciting yet twice as frustrating as Eli came into the picture. He's a ghost too and needless to say, the perfect villain. The events following had me hooked!

Hudson had done a marvellous job. Especially since this is her first novel. I really enjoyed reading this! I can't wait to see what happens with Amelia and Joshua!

Random Acts of Kindness: December (My Birthday Month!)

Anotherrr RAK month commences!

Sign up each month you'd like to participate in.
Show off your participation! Grab one of the buttons available :)
Create a wishlist and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month.{Post on your blog, Amazon, where ever as long as there's a link to it.}
If you choose to do a R.A.K for someone, check out their wishlist and contact that blogger for their address.
At the end of the month, SHOW US YOUR R.A.K! Make a post saying 'Thank You' to whoever granted one of your wishes and share it with us :)

It's my birthday this month! YES. Im soooooo HAPPY! I'm going to be turning officially 17. I can't wait!!! I thought I'll let you guys know... so you can get me something. If you want. LOL!

Heres my wishlist! :D
(I know it's very short!)

Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead (US edition)
The Morganville Vampires omnibus edition Vol. 2 by Rachel Caine
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Other Words for Love by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal
 If you'd like to get me anything off my wishlist just email me at grippedintobooks[at]gmail[dot]com
Thanks & Happy RAK-ing (:

New books released this December

A new month brings new books!
Now this December 2011, many thrilling books have been released, sitting in the bookstores waiting for people like you and me to pick it up and indulge!
Here they are...

Vice & Virtue by Veronica Bennett
1st December 2011
Goodreads | Amazon
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
6th December 2011
Goodreads | Amazon

Trapped by Michael Northrop
15th Decmeber 2011

Torn by Cat Clarke
22nd December
Goodreads | Amazon

Dark Parties by Sara Grant
22nd Demeber 2011
Goodreads | Amazon

The Frenzy by Francesca Lia Block
27th December 2011
Goodreads | Amazon
What do you want to read or need to read?
(NOTE: These are UK releases)

Book Trailers! Yay or Nay?

With the release of books, alongside book trailers have been made. Book trailers are just like any other trailers, giving a glimpse of the world inside and what you're missing. Book trailers are becoming more and more popular but is this a good thing or a bad thing?

I personally love book trailers. I mean they really capture what's going on in the book. Say if you've read the book that you're just having a peak at the trailer to see just how it is and if the characters are to you're liking. It's great when your imagination is formed in front of you, not forgetting the atmosphere and how everything else is.

But let's see if we haven't read the book of the book trailer and just stumble upon it which is the main purpose watching a trailer before you read the actual book. Just like when want to watch a movie, you watch the trailer then watch the movie. Anyhow, after watching a book trailer does it make you read the book? For me, I'll say rarely.

One book trailer that really did get to me however was The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han. I LOVED that trailer. I don't know exactly what it was about it that truly struck out for me, possibly the writing style but after watching it I really wanted to read the book. So obviously, I then did and I did enjoy reading it alot but it wasn't those WOW type of books.

Though, one thing I can say with utmost certainty is that after watching a book trailer I never actually bought a book because of it. Never. I'm serious. In a way I don't think many book trailers actually capture the book. Hey, am not saying I don't like them. They can be good to watch and all, but I'm not 'feeling' it. With some of them at lest. Well that's just me anyways.

But what do you think of book trailers? Yay or Nay? Feel free to disagree and let me know your thoughts!

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You
by Ally Carter

Pages: 309
Release Date: May 6th 2010
Publisher: Orchard Books
Source: For Review from Publishers
Series: The Gallagher Girls
Other books in series: Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover, Only the Good Spy Young
Buy the Book:  Amazon
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The Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women is a fairly typical all-girls school—that is, if every school teaches advanced martial arts in PE, chemistry always consists of the latest in chemical warfare, and everyone breaks CIA codes for extra credit in computer class. So in truth, while the Gallagher Academy might say it's a school for geniuses what they really mean is spies. But what happens when a Gallagher Girl falls for a boy who doesn't have a code name?
Cammie Morgan may be fluent in fourteen languages and capable of killing a man in seven different ways (three of which involve a piece of uncooked spaghetti), but the Gallagher Academy hasn't prepared her for what to do when she meets an ordinary boy who thinks she's an ordinary girl. Sure, she can tap his phone, hack into his computer, and track him through a mall without him ever being the wiser, but can she have a regular relationship with a regular boy who can never know the truth about her? Cammie may be an elite spy in training, but in her sophomore year, she's doing something riskier than ever—she's falling in love.

My Thoughts
I was seriously dying to read this! I wanted to read it real soon but somehow or another I'll pick up another book and completely forget about it. You know those type of books that put you on edge, stun you and completely knock you off your feet... yep you got it I'd tell you I love you, but then I'd have to kill you is just that type of book! How glad I am that I finally read you!

Cammie Morgan may just seem like your typical teenage girl. She attends school, has many friends and falls helplessly in love. But there's more to her than what meets the eye. Attending a school for spies is definitely out of the ordinary. With so many challenging missions, how was Cammie to know stopping herself from falling in love would be the hardest.

A book full of kiss-ass girl spies? Yes. Yes. Yes. This book is amazing! All the characters are really fun. I particularly liked Bex. Just her British ways and how she helped Cammie with her boy problems. Well, these problems are in fact really major in the 'spying world' and so everything unfolds as we get to see how crazy like could get in Gallagher Academy.

I'd tell you I love you, but then I'd have to kill you is oh so perfect! Especially since whilst reading it, it was so easy for me to imagine everything happening. I applaud Carter's writing. And especially the hilarious bits! Just hilarious! They're really small things that the characters over think and analyse that make you really laugh out loud. I LOVE IT.

I'm certain that I will carry on with this series. I can't wait to read Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy! You can't help but adore the titles of the books too! Ally Carter is an author that you simply can't miss. You go Ally Carter!

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

The Sky is Everywhere
by Jandy Nelson

Pages: 320
Release Date: June 6th 2011
Publisher: Walker Books
Source: For Review from Publishers
Buy it: Amazon
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Seventeen-year-old Lennie Walker, bookworm and band geek, plays second clarinet and spends her time tucked safely and happily in the shadow of her fiery older sister, Bailey. But when Bailey dies abruptly, Lennie is catapulted to center stage of her own life—and, despite her nonexistent history with boys, suddenly finds herself struggling to balance two. Toby was Bailey's boyfriend; his grief mirrors Lennie's own. Joe is the new boy in town, a transplant from Paris whose nearly magical grin is matched only by his musical talent. For Lennie, they're the sun and the moon; one boy takes her out of her sorrow, the other comforts her in it. But just like their celestial counterparts, they can't collide without the whole wide world exploding.
This remarkable debut is perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen, Deb Caletti, and Francesca Lia Block. Just as much a celebration of love as it is a portrait of loss, Lennie's struggle to sort her own melody out of the noise around her is always honest, often hilarious, and ultimately unforgettable

My Thoughts
WOW. I have no idea how to express how much I enjoyed this book. It was just really really really good with no exaggeration whatsoever. It left me thinking about it a lot even after finishing the book and so I'm extremely glad I picked it up.

Lennie doesn't understand what's going through her mind. Bailey, her sister, is dead. At her funeral all Lennie could think about was smacking lips with every guy at that funeral. She feels so lost and out of place right and doesn't know what she possibly could do without her Bailey. On top of that, she sets her eyes on someone she possibly couldn't be with. What else could possibly happen?

The Sky is Everywhere is amazing. Truly amazing. I loved everything about it, the poetry the element of music just everything. And oh what I especially loved was how at the end of every they'll be a sort of note that perfectly explains Lennie's feelings. I loved waiting to see what note each chapter would hold.

Lennie feels alone and distraught. It's really sad to see her in this way but then again she has got two guys all to her self. Toby and Joe. Toby and Joe are both great guys. Adorable, cute and so loving! I love reading about them and I love it when they're in the picture. But I've got to say I like Joe better. Joe as he's the right guy for her and Toby isn't for obvious reasons.

The entire book was wound perfectly. The characters, events, and the magic of the music kept me thoroughly entranced. Nelson has wowed me with this book. It left me speechless and wanting more. Mind blowing and compelling this is a book that needs to be on your bookshelf. I absolute recommended it. Heck, just go buy it!

OMG. The Hunger Games Trailer!!!

Oh My God! THE FRICKIN HUNGER GAMES TARILER! Ahhh, I'm a loss for words! I'm sure you guys watched it already. I've watched it so so many times but obviously I simply HAD to post it, it's The Hunger Games we're talking about people! And of course, for those individuals that haven't watched it...
What in the world are you waiting for!
Here's the trailer! Watch it NOW. :D

Soooooo. I obviously LOVE LOVE LOVE the trailer. EPIC stuff. Just like the books. I love the way everything's played out especially all the action. Katniss's costume for the games wasn't too bad either. And did you see Gale and Peeta! Ahh hot hot hot. (NOTE: I am Teem Peeta. Forever and Always :P)YES YES! It was everything I imagined and hoped for... now I'm just dying to watch the movie. Seriously, can it take any longer?

What did you guys think? Frickin awesomeness or what!?

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

Lola and the Boy Next Door
by Stephanie Perkins

Pages: 338
Release Date: September 29th 2011
Publisher: Dutton
Other Books: Anna and the French Kiss & Isla and the Happily Ever After
Source: Won in a Giveaway
Buy it: Amazon
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Budding designer Lola Nolan doesn’t believe in fashion . . . she believes in costume. The more expressive the outfit -- more sparkly, more fun, more wild -- the better. But even though Lola’s style is outrageous, she’s a devoted daughter and friend with some big plans for the future. And everything is pretty perfect (right down to her hot rocker boyfriend) until the dreaded Bell twins, Calliope and Cricket, return to the neighborhood.
When Cricket -- a gifted inventor -- steps out from his twin sister’s shadow and back into Lola’s life, she must finally reconcile a lifetime of feelings for the boy next door.

My Thoughts
Ohhhh LOLA! Where can I begin with this ah-mazing book. Because it was, you know, amazing. I really much enjoyed reading it. After reading Anna and the French Kiss and just being completely 'WOWed' by it, I was so so eager to read the companion novel. And am I so glad I did.

Lola is not your average teenage girl. Her way of life is completely different especially when you count in her dress sense. Lola adores dressing up like any other girl out there but she takes it to great heights dressing up in different costumes every day. For Lola, her life couldn't get any better. She has a great life and her 'amazing' boyfriend Max. But it was until Cricket and Calliope showed up.

Perkins totally rocks my world. I lurrrrveeee her writing. At first I loved Lola and Max as a couple, they seemed pretty cute and I gotta say I did kinda like Max then. I say then as I don't like him now. One word. JERK. But then it all makes up whenever Cricket is in the picture. He just so sweet!! Seriously, how sweet and cute and adorable and amazing can he get! I was a bit peckish at first as he seemed just too nice and so it was just that tad weird. But no no that's just nothing to worry about!

As much as I enjoyed Lola, I have got to say that it wasn't as good as Anna. I loved Lola though, I loved it so much that I'm sure I'll read it over and over and over again just as I did with Anna. Oh and boy did I love it when St Clair and Anna came in. Cute moments!

If only we could pester Perkins and get Isla and the Happily Ever After released quicker. I'll probably die waiting!

New books released this November

A new month brings new books!
Now this November 2011, many thrilling books have been released, sitting in the bookstores waiting for people like you and me to pick it up and indulge!
Here are a few...

 Last Breath by Rachel Caine
1st November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon

Cold Hands, Warm Heart by Jill Wolfson
3rd November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon
Knowing Me, Knowing You by Helen Bailey
3rd November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon

By Midnight by Mia James
3rd November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon
 The Vampire Stalker by Allison van Diepen
3rd November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon

 Eve by Anna Carey
 5th November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon
Inheritance by Christopher Paolini
8th November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon

Birthmarked: Prized by Caragh M O'Brien
10th November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon
Vampire Diaries: Phantom by L J Smith
10th November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon
Tiger's Voyage by Colleen Houck
 10th November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon
 The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton
14th November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon

Variant by Robison Wells
 20th November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon
Crossed by Ally Condie
 24th November 201
Goodreads | Amazon

Flying Blind by Deborah Cooke
31st November 2011
Goodreads | Amazon

What do you want to read or need to read?
(NOTE: These are UK releases)

Reviewed by Iram: The Carrier of The Mark by Leigh Fallon

The Carrier of the Mark
by Leigh Fallon

Pages: 320
Release Date: October 27th 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins Children's                         
Source: For Review from Publishers
Buy it:  Amazon
Add it: Goodreads

A move to Ireland is about to introduce Megan to her destiny, her real destiny, can she embrace it and will she survive it?
A tragedy in Megan’s past set her on a predetermined course. A chain of events has been set in motion that brings Megan to Kinsale, a small town in the south of Ireland where her destiny awaits her. Her life starts to fall into place as she makes new friends and settles into her new school. However, the reclusive and distant Adam DeRís calls to her body and soul.
She finds herself increasingly drawn to Adam and his strange family. Adam knows a secret from her past and he and his family hold the key to her future. A future that binds her to Adam and his world, a world of power, mystery and ancient orders. A world that unbeknownst to her, she very much belongs in
My Thoughts
I found this book totally adorable. It is quite amazing. If like me you are the kind of person that loves an irresistible romance with a fantastic storyline to give it that edge than this book is worth indulging.

Megan is drawn towards Adam and sees quite a few unreal, strange things happen that make her curious as well as grabbing the curiosity of the reader. When she finds out the truth her world is turned around and she discovers a new enchanting aspect to her life.

Its a real cool love story involving great magical powers and prophecies to keep you entertained. The relationship between Megan and the mysterious Adam is gripping because their love is forbidden but nothing can get in the way of true love. Can it?  The book is that more exhilarating to see Megan and Adam fight for each other, nor matter what the future may hold they will always stick together.

All the characters are great and keep the story moving. My favourite part of the book would be all the cool things that the characters do with there powers and the way the scenes are described. The only thing which I didn't enjoy were the information overload at times but apart from that it was a awesome piece of writing.