In My Mailbox (16)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free.
Looking for Alaska by John Green
Sofia has already read this one and apparently there some very intense parts :S ...not looking forward to that but the book is good. Thank you HarperCollins!
Angel's Fury by Bryony Pearce (ARC)
I'm currently reading this one, and so far so good :) ...Thank you Egmont!
Divergent by Veronica Roth (ARC)
I have already read Divergent and you know it's a GREAT book! Thank you HarperCollins!
City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
The Legacy by Gemma Malley
The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney

It was my first time reading The Mortal Instruments series and they're fantastic. I recommend it to those of you who havn't picked it up yet! And... I've read all the books I got from the library and I loved them all!
What's in your Mailbox?


  1. 'Divergent' looks amazing, hope you enjoy reading it! :)

  2. You are going to have such an awesome week reading those books. They all look fab! Enjoy!

  3. Cute blog!! I'm reading Divergent now, and it's really good. TMI is one of my favorite series. Glad you loved it!!

  4. You got awesome books this week! I really can't wait to read Looking For Alaska. Heard really good things about it :) xo

  5. Looks like you got some awesome books. Have fun with them. Oh by the way new follower, come check out my blog, when you have the time.

  6. Great books this week. I really have to get to reading the rest of the Mortal Instruments series - I foolishly stopped after the second.
    Enjoy and happy reading!

  7. Iron Witch looks good.

    Here's mine:

  8. Looks like you have a great book week. The Mortal Instruments series is FABULOUS!

  9. I've never seen this cover of Looking for Alaska, but I'm dying to read this one! :) It sounds amazing!
    And I loved the cover of Angel's Fury! It seems pretty good!
    I'm really looking forward to read TMI series! =)

    Thank you for passing by on my blog! ;)

  10. Aggggggggggh! I'm so jelly. I totally want Divergent! Glad to know you think it is great!

  11. I should be getting Divergent soon! Ive heard such great things about it!

  12. Great books this week. I loved TMI too.
    I am really looking forward to reading Divergent everyone seem to love it.
    Happy reading.

  13. Thanks for stopping by. You have a great mailbox this week! I'm very curious about Divergent, as I am becoming more and more interested in dystopians. I had The Iron Witch on mine a couple of weeks ago and have already read and reviewed it. Have a great week!

    Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter

  14. Divergent!! I'm really looking forward to reading it, and The Iron Witch! I hope you enjoy all your awesome books!

  15. I have never seen that cover of Looking for Alaska! It looks so purddy. :D And hooray for The Mortal Instruments! It's like one of the best series ever. Glad you're liking it :)

  16. Great! I can't wait to read Divergeant!
    I hope you like TMI, the books are AWESOME!

  17. Wow, so many books I want to read! Especially Divergent and the Mortal Instruments books. Looks like an awesome week!

  18. So many great-looking books! I can't wait to read The Mortal Instruments books and The Iron Witch! :) Enjoy all of your books for this week, and thank you for visiting! Happy reading!

  19. Awesome! The Mortal Instruments is one of my fav series, I'm glad you like it! And I'm dying to read Divergent, I've heard so many great things about it! I'm also curious about The Iron Witch...
    Happy reading!

  20. Great pile! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Mortal Instruments, these books are truly amazing :D
    And Angel's Fury has an interesting cover! :)


  21. Divergent has such great reviews and it sounds so unique! =)
    I got Gemma Malley's other book out from the library and will be with The Legacy =)

  22. That new Looking For Alaska cover is very different, eh? And Angle's Fury looks particularly good too. Enjoy your books!

    Here's my IMM :)

  23. Angelfury looks like a great book! Hope you're enjoying the rest of the book !

  24. I've already read Divergent, too, and loved it! I can't wait to read a review!

  25. I have and need to read Looking for Alaska, The Iron Witch, and the first two TMI books. Divergent is on my wishlist. Enjoy! :D


  26. Hello! New follower :) Great lot of books and you'll love Looking for Alaska. It was my first John Green book and is probably still my favorite. Happy Reading!

  27. Awesome books this week! New follower here and thanks for checked out my blog! :)


  28. i am excited to get a copy of divergent! hope you enjoy reading it.

  29. I've been hearing a lot of good things about Divergent, and Angel's Fury looks interesting. Great haul! New follower as well. :)

  30. Hi there, nice lot of IMM. I loved The Mortal Instruments . Angel's Fury looks interesting. I can't wait for Divergent to land in my mailbox, should be soon. Heard soo many good things.


    New follower

  31. Ooo, these books look great, judging by their covers (despite the aphorism). I'll have to add them all to my growing, overwhelming long to-read list, though I expect some of these to be near the top of my list.


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Happy Reading!