Carpe Corpus by Rachel Caine

Carpe Corpus
by Rachel Caine

Pages: 384
Release Date: October 5th 2009
Publisher: Allison & Busby
Series: The Morganville Vampires
Other books in series: Glass Houses, Dead Girls' Dance, Midnight Alley, Feast of Fools, Lord of Misrule, Fade out, Ghost Town, Kiss of Death, Bite Club and Last Breath
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In the small college town of Morganville, vampires and humans lived in (relative) peace - until all the rules got rewritten when the evil vampire Bishop arrived, looking for the lost book of vampire secrets. He's kept a death grip on the town ever since. Now an underground resistance is brewing, and in order to contain it, Bishop must go to even greater lengths.

He vows to obliterate the town and all its inhabitants - the living and the undead. Claire Danvers and her friends are the only ones who stand in his way. But even if they defeat Bishop, will the vampires ever be content to go back to the old rules, after having such a taste of power?

My Thoughts
I am totally addicted to this series! It just gets even better book by book. Cain does a great job of continuing the action and giving us unexpected events.

In this book, everything is really going on fast. It is totally fast paced.  Also, Bishop plays his final move as the residents of Morganville hurry to take their stand. I cannot stand Bishop. He is so evil! But, Claire however, becomes a pawn in Amelie's and Bishop's game. I feel sorry for Claire she's stuck right in the middle not knowing how to play the game.

Claire and Shane. What can I say except... Finally! Their relationship definetly got stronger now! I love all their moments. Shane is just awesome as always and I love how he loves Claire as much as she loves him. Although, he never seems to admit it :(

I have always had mixed thoughts on Myrin. Sometimes he's bad and sometimes he's good. But, I love he's character and all his funny comments! He gives everything a touch of sarcasm and sometimes, it can be funny :)

All in all, another fantastic book. As always. I'm eagerly awaiting for the release of the next book- Fade out!


  1. I love this seires too, but I haven't had the chance to read all the books, I have read until Feast of Fool and I think this history is totally awesome :D

  2. great review :)) can't wait to read it xD

  3. Well, I havent had a chance u.u I have to read many book ! but when i have a chance I read the serie! :) thanks for Review! bye!

  4. I've never read any of the books in this series, but I love fast-paced reads with actions. I think I might start it sooner rather than later. Glad you enjoyed it.

  5. I haven't heard of this series until now but they sound really good. Nice review! I am a new follower :)

  6. I've been wanting to read The Morganville Vampire series for awhile and now I want to that much more! This book looks absolutely magical :) I must add this to my "to - read" list A.S.A.P, great review!! Xo.

  7. I loved Caine's Weather Warden books and are really looking forward to this series.

    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  8. I've never read this series before, but your reviews make me really want to. I've currently put the first book on hold at my library, thanks to your reviews!! :)
    Great reviews!! :D

  9. I love this series!! Shane and Eve are the perfect couple! I like Myrin, I think he's funny. Sometime scary but funny. Anyways great review!

  10. I haven't as yet started reading this series but I hope to soon. I've heard loads of great things about it and hope to enjoy it as much as you have. Great review:)

  11. I love Rachel Caine and the series is one of my favorite reads. I'm still not caught up yet, but hopefully I will be soon! Great review!

  12. I wasn't a huge fan of the first one so I stopped by I may pick this one back up. Thanks for the review!

  13. I have yet to read any of these books, I do have Volume 1 with the first 2 books, but I haven't gotten to it yet.

  14. This book looks amazing! I have never heard of it before!

  15. I really want to read these books, but I'm having a hard time finding the original covers:/
    Anyways awesome review!


  16. Great review, I better mark this as a to-read.


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