Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

by Cynthia Hand

Pages: 384
Release Date: May 2nd 2011
Publisher: Egmont UK Limited
Buy it: Amazon

In the beginning, there's a boy standing in the trees . . . .
Clara Gardner has recently learned that she's part angel. Having angel blood run through her veins not only makes her smarter, stronger, and faster than humans (a word, she realizes, that no longer applies to her), but it means she has a purpose, something she was put on this earth to do. Figuring out what that is, though, isn't easy.
Her visions of a raging forest fire and an alluring stranger lead her to a new school in a new town. When she meets Christian, who turns out to be the boy of her dreams (literally), everything seems to fall into place—and out of place at the same time. Because there's another guy, Tucker, who appeals to Clara's less angelic side.
As Clara tries to find her way in a world she no longer understands, she encounters unseen dangers and choices she never thought she'd have to make—between honesty and deceit, love and duty, good and evil. When the fire from her vision finally ignites, will Clara be ready to face her destiny?
Unearthly is a moving tale of love and fate, and the struggle between following the rules and following your heart.

My Thoughts
Unearthly at first, didn't seem much appealing to me around the first 100 pages or so. It was quite slow paced. But, that's just the beginning of the book. It was bound to not have action right at the start. After I finished, I really did not mind. It totally rocked. I don't even realise why I was complaining when the book overall was definitely so so awesome. I just loved it!

One thing I really liked was how Clara knew she was an angel already. It wasn't something she discovered so it was nice to see how she approached certain situations. Heck, even if the angel part wasn't in the book, it still would have lived up to it's awesomeness.

I loved Clara straight away. She's a normal type of character, she's smart, timid and quite self centered. You'd sure want to be friends with her. But she wants to be more than friends with someone in particular... I had many expectations. I was guessing who she would probably be with. Let me just say, It's was a surprise. Clara and Christian. Clara and Tucker.

Hand's writing has much simplicity and power. It just kept me at pace and really engaged within the book. Her descriptions, characters, well everything was just great.

Unearthly is a unique addition to YA fiction. With an unpredictable storyline, exciting love story and   breathtaking supernaturals, I can't wait to be more engrossed with the series!

Jenna & Jonah's Fauxmance by Emily Franklin & Brendan Halpin

Jenna & Jonah's Fauxmance
by Emily Franklin & Brendan Halpin

Pages: 288
Release Date: March 7th 2011
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 
Buy it: Amazon

Fans of romance don't need to look any further than the fauxmance brewing between teen idols Charlie Tracker and Fielding Withers—known on their hit TV show as Jenna and Jonah, next-door neighbors flush with the excitement of first love. But it's their off-screen relationship that has helped cement their fame, as passionate fans follow their every PDA. They grace the covers of magazines week after week. Their fan club has chapters all over the country. The only problem is their off-screen romance is one big publicity stunt, and Charlie and Fielding can't stand to be in the same room. Still, it's a great gig, so even when the cameras stop rolling, the show must go on, and on, and on. . . . Until the pesky paparazzi blow their cover, and Charlie and Fielding must disappear to weather the media storm. It's not until they're far off the grid of the Hollywood circuit that they realize that there's more to each of them than shiny hair and a winning smile.

My Thoughts
I was really excited reading Fauxmance. It has a unique and alluring title that no other YA book has. I really liked reading it and I finished it in a matter of hours.

Charlie (Jennah) and Aaron (Jonah) are celebrities. Charlie is like one of those bitchy typical celebrities. Most definitely then, she really cares about her image and how she's perceived by others. Aaron at first is called Fielding, his surname, quite a lot and then it changes into his first name Aaron. Quite confusing at first but then after a while I got the hang of it.

I really liked how the book was told in both Charlie's and Aaron's. Sometimes I didn't get whether it was told in Charlie's perspective or Aaron's perspective as the style of writing doesn't change much. However, it can be easily distinguished with them both just thinking so poorly of each other.

I've got to admit there is a whole lot of humour involved. It's really amusing who they think of one another and it's nice to see how their feelings of disgust change into love.
A very enjoyable and lighthearted read!

In My Mailbox (21)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free.
City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
Firelight by Sohie Jordan
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa
Fauxmance by Emily Franklin & Brendan Halpin
Here Lies Bridget by Paige Harbison
Breathing Underwater by Julia Green
The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa
My Love Lies Bleeding by Alexandra Harvey
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
The Body Finder by Kmberly Derting
Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick
SIGNED copy liked omg, yayaaaaaaay! Many thanks to the Fallen Archangel :D

What did you get in your mailbox?

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

by Lauren Oliver

Pages: 393
Release Date: February 3rd 2011
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Buy it: Amazon

Before scientists found the cure, people thought love was a good thing. They didn’t understand that once love -- the deliria -- blooms in your blood, there is no escaping its hold. Things are different now. Scientists are able to eradicate love, and the governments demands that all citizens receive the cure upon turning eighteen. Lena Holoway has always looked forward to the day when she’ll be cured. A life without love is a life without pain: safe, measured, predictable, and happy.

But with ninety-five days left until her treatment, Lena does the unthinkable: She falls in love...

My Thoughts
Another fab dystopian book! I am so loving dystopians now. And WOW, Delirium sure was something. I loved reading each and every word. I got consumed within Lena's world, waiting and wondering what will happen next.

Lena, a young seventeen year old girl has simply ninety-five days until she gets diagnosed from the disease of amor deliria nervosa. In other words, until she gets cured from 'love' which is perceived to be a disease. And Lena, cannot wait until she does.

Lena is one great character. She is so amazing and wonderful. Okay, there were times where I just wanted to wake her up to reality so she would realise how ridiculous she sounds sometimes, But I guess that's what Oliver wants us readers to feel- A sense of urgency, thrill and irritation.

Just a few months before her operation Lena meets the down-to-earth, and oh-so-charming, Alex! And so, it's so understandable as to why Lena fell in love with a guy like him. He's funny, alluring, understanding and everything every girl would wish for!

Delirium is an awesome roller coaster of events and emotions making you want it to never end. With that killer of an ending it is truly an unforgettable read! Pandemonium, the next book in the trilogy, is one I'm greatly anticipating!

Armchair BEA: The end

We have come to the end of Armchair BEA. This is my first year of blogging so this has been the first time of participating also. I'm really glad I did as the event has been most spectacular and very enjoyable.
What I loved the most was meeting other bloggers and not forgetting the #AirmchairBEA twitter conversation. It was pretty hard keeping up sometimes! Oh and you can follow us on Twitter @GrippingBooks
I wasn't able to participate everyday and yet I had a lot of fun.
Here are my posts for this week:
I would like to thank the panel at Armchair BEA for hosting this event and for taking the time with all the events and giveaways! Can't wait to take part next year, although I would rather go BEA :)

Looking for Alaska by John Green

Looking for Alaska
by John Green

Pages: 263
Release Date: July 3rd 2006
Publisher: HarperCollins Children's Books
Buy it: Amazon

Before. Miles “Pudge” Halter is done with his safe life at home. His whole life has been one big non-event, and his obsession with famous last words has only made him crave “the Great Perhaps” even more (François Rabelais, poet). He heads off to the sometimes crazy and anything-but-boring world of Culver Creek Boarding School, and his life becomes the opposite of safe. Because down the hall is Alaska Young. The gorgeous, clever, funny, sexy, self-destructive, screwed up, and utterly fascinating Alaska Young. She is an event unto herself. She pulls Pudge into her world, launches him into the Great Perhaps, and steals his heart. Then. . . . After. Nothing is ever the same

 My Thoughts
At first, I was quite put off by reading Looking for Alaska. Reason? My friend had read it and liked it but didn't like it at the same time. So she had mixed emotions. I let this get to me. How stupid of me!

This book is awesome. I really really liked reading it! So, it's about this guy, Miles who has this thing of memorising people's last words. He moves to this boading school in the hope of making some new friends. A guy, Chip and a girl, Alaska come along becoming great friends with Miles. With these friends, he hopes to find his 'great perhaps'

Everthing was just so good! I loved Miles character! Okay so not just him, they were all so so awesome! Each charcter had something special and different about them and so it wasn't boring or anything like that at all!

There wasn't much of a plot but it doesn't really matter as something or another then did happen. The story kept going driven by the pranks, characters and words. That's what makes it different.

John Green sure knows what YA readers want to and need to read. And so for us, this simply has to be a big score :)

Armchair BEA: Nurturing Relationships

Today's topic at Armchair BEA is about nurturing relationships in the blogging community. It can be bloggers, publishers, authors etc. I've decided to choose publishers. Over these past 7 months of blogging I've come across a lot publishers. However there was some bumps and bruises along the way. So, I'm going to give you 5 tips on interaction with publishers, some things I've learnt along the way.

Always keep it professional...
So yeah you shouldn't use slang or text like 'dude'! No no not that I did but I nearly used some text like 'iab' meaning in a bit ...I don't know what happened to me then! You see this won't have a good impression. Be 'friendly' not trendy
No harassment...
If a publisher isn't replying to for quite a while don't keep bugging them! Because, that's what I did now I think they're a bit annoyed now lol BUT if you really like the publishers and you really want them to reply email them but on different email addresses to the same company as they may not be using the one you keep emailing them to :)

Patience is a virtue...
ever heard that saying? Yep I did, many many times. I remember that this one publishers said that they're going to send me some review copies, it was a week and I never got them so I got impatient. I emailed them again and I think there was a hint of annoyance in my email. OOPS. Don't ever do that! Be warned!

Make conversation...
When you do this the publishers know more about you and how you are as a person. By this, you make a great relatoonship with the publisher and it's can be useful as well. Lets say you're going to do a giveaway and you need some swag or books it is very very likely they'll give you some :D
NOTE: Don't just make converstion just bacause you need something. Not nice at all.
Always send your reviews in a timely manner even though they don't want a specific date. You shouldn't hold your reviews for more that a 2 weeks the latest as then the publishers will not send you many when they actually need the review by a certain date

I hope these tips helped! I was going to do 10 but then I thought y'all will get bored so I kept it short and simple! Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments and leave a link to your post too :D

Waiting on Wednesday (20)

by Jenna Black
Pages: 336
Release Date: July 5th 2011
Publisher:  St. Martin's Griffin
Buy the Book: Amazon

When Dana is invited to Faerie to be officially presented at the Seelie Court, it’s no easy decision. After all, everyone knows Titania, the Seelie Queen, wants her dead. But Titania claims not to be the one behind the death threats; and her son, Prince Henry, makes the decision a whole lot easier when he suggests Dana might be arrested for (supposedly) conspiring with her aunt Grace to usurp the Seelie throne. So she and her father better do as they're told…
The journey through Faerie is long – and treacherous. Dana thought it would be a good idea to have friends along, but her sort-of-boyfriend Ethan and her bodyguard’s son, Keane, just can’t seem to get along, and Kimber’s crush on Keane isn’t making things any easier. When a violent attack separates Dana from their caravan, the sexy Erlking saves her just in the nick of time… and makes it clear that he hasn’t given up on making her his own.
Arriving at Titania’s beautiful palace should be a relief. But Dana is soon implicated in an assassination attempt against Titania’s niece, and is suddenly a fugitive, forced to leave her father behind as she and her friends flee for her lives. Will she be able to prove her innocence before the forces of the Seelie Court catch up with her? Or, worse, the Erlking? And will she save her father before he pays the ultimate price in her stead?

What are you waiting for?
Waiting on Wednesday is a mem hosted by Breaking the Spine

Armchair BEA: Best of 2011

Hi there!
I have read so so many great books over the past few months. Most of them are not released this year seeing as I've got so much books to catch up on and my TBR pile and it just seems to be growing!! Okay so here are my best of 2011 books...

I looooooooooved all these books! I had so much fun reading them! So, what are your best books of 2011? Be sure to let me know in the comments and leave a link to your post too :D

Runaway by Meg Cabot

by Meg Cabot

Pages: 275
Release Date: September 3rd 2010
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
Series: Airhead Triology
Other books in series: Airhead and Being Nikki
Buy it: Amazon

Emerson Watts is on the run: from school, from her family and from herself. She's reeling from the shock that Nikki, the girl whose body her brain was forced to inhabit, is still alive. And she's furious. Manipulative Brandon plans to use Em to discover a secret that will ensure his success, whilst Christopher is out for revenge, fuelled by his jealousy. With everyone around her playing a dangerous game, maybe Em should just keep on running...

My Thoughts
With this final book in the Airhead trilogy, I have got to say it finished with marvel. I really enjoyed reading it escpecially since the last book, Being Nikki, left me off my feet with a very unexpected finish,

Em's witty and shinning character is so worth reading. As always, I love her attitude towards things, she's kinda badgirl with a great personality nevertheless. As Christopher dashes in as her knight in shinning armour, supposedly rescuing her, Em reveals many things. They turn out to be things that upset Christopher.

It's quite amusing how Christopher feels like he has to be 'needed'. I'm sure it's an abvious trait, wanting someone to need you around sometimes and just for the fun of it. When Em does finally admit that particular factor he goes over the moon. And kisses her. Very cute. But then not so cute when he disregards the entire things. What can I say? Boys will be boys!

There's certaintly alot of action, humour and spark to this book. It finishes off very nicely and all the past events are wrapped up. Meg Cabot writes like magic as always! I love her all her books. A triology that is a must read!

Armchair BEA: Introduction to Gripped into Books!

Hi bloggers!
I take it you're here for Armchair BEA? So, I may as well start! My name is Mina but all my friends call me MIA and I prefer Mia anyways. I'm 16 and from the UK. So far, I've been blogging for around 7 months and what can I say it's been a great adventure!

I really really wanted to go go BEA this year, heck, I needed to go! But I obviously couldn't seeing as I've got my GCSE's you know exams and plus I'm only 16. Too young, Obviously :(

If I'm not reading, I love writing poety and drawing in my spare time. And you should know that I love Vampire Diaries, 90210,  and One Tree Hill- It's officially ended now :(
I love YA! Everything thing YA! Well except Historical, sorry but that just is just not my thing. LOL. Currently, I'm really getting into Dystopian themed books especially The Hunger Games :D ...Divergent is also another books I LOVE!

 As I'm already entering the favourite territory I just have to spill my favourite book! Which is at the moment Anna and the french kiss :D and my favourite series... duh! Harry Potter and Vampire Academy!

I'm so jealous for anyone that can score a copy of Bloodlines, the spin off series to VA! I am mostly looking forward to chatting with all the bloggers! There's so much you can talk about with your friends about books! I can't wait! Oh and the Tuesday posts, discovering everyone's favourite books will be so so awesome!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm looking forward to visiting you all, so please leave your link in the comments! :D

Dreaming of Amelia by Jaclyn Moriarty

Dreaming of Amelia
by Jaclyn Moriarty

Pages: 578
Release Date: March 2nd 2010
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
Buy it: Amazon

Amelia and Riley have transferred to Ashbury for their final year of school, and everyone is completely obsessed with them. Glamorous, talented and totally devoted to one another, the two of them drift through school in their own world. But there's more to the couple than meets the eye - they have secrets. And some of them are dangerous to share. As Riley starts to lose his grip on Amelia, the repercussions affect everyone around them. It is a spellbinding story about ghosts, secrets, madness, passion, locked doors, femme fatales, and that terrifying moment in the final year of high school when you realise that the future's coming to get you

My Thoughts
After reading the blurb of  Dreaming of Amelia I was like WOW. It sounded so good! So, now that I've finished reading it I wouldn't say it was fantastic but it was really good.

I must day that the style of writing and the way Moriarty has presented her book is fantastic. It is so very unique. I don't see that kind of style in almost anywhere!

I loved how Riley and Amelia were almost sounded like celebrities. There were different accounts of how students at Ashbury High thought about them in the form of essays. Weird right? No, it was a clever was of portraying how people thought of Riley and Amelia.

Although, I must say there was no real action in the book. Nothing really big happened. Yet, it was still enjoyable to read.

Dreaming of Amelia is definitely different from many other YA books. That's what makes it a fun to indulge in. A pleasurable read.

In My Mailbox (20)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free.
I've taken pictures this time around from IMM seeing as the poll I made had the most votes for this!
I thought I wouldn't be doing IMM this week but I somehow managed. I got a lot more books than this but unfortunately they're at my other address oh well...

My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent
Pretty Twisted by Gina Blaxill
My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent
Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

13 Little blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson
How to Ruin a Summer Vacation by Simone Elkeles
Nightsade by Andrea Cremer
From one of Andrea's Twitter contests! :D Thank you :)
What's in your mailbox?

Carpe Corpus by Rachel Caine

Carpe Corpus
by Rachel Caine

Pages: 384
Release Date: October 5th 2009
Publisher: Allison & Busby
Series: The Morganville Vampires
Other books in series: Glass Houses, Dead Girls' Dance, Midnight Alley, Feast of Fools, Lord of Misrule, Fade out, Ghost Town, Kiss of Death, Bite Club and Last Breath
Buy it: Amazon

In the small college town of Morganville, vampires and humans lived in (relative) peace - until all the rules got rewritten when the evil vampire Bishop arrived, looking for the lost book of vampire secrets. He's kept a death grip on the town ever since. Now an underground resistance is brewing, and in order to contain it, Bishop must go to even greater lengths.

He vows to obliterate the town and all its inhabitants - the living and the undead. Claire Danvers and her friends are the only ones who stand in his way. But even if they defeat Bishop, will the vampires ever be content to go back to the old rules, after having such a taste of power?

My Thoughts
I am totally addicted to this series! It just gets even better book by book. Cain does a great job of continuing the action and giving us unexpected events.

In this book, everything is really going on fast. It is totally fast paced.  Also, Bishop plays his final move as the residents of Morganville hurry to take their stand. I cannot stand Bishop. He is so evil! But, Claire however, becomes a pawn in Amelie's and Bishop's game. I feel sorry for Claire she's stuck right in the middle not knowing how to play the game.

Claire and Shane. What can I say except... Finally! Their relationship definetly got stronger now! I love all their moments. Shane is just awesome as always and I love how he loves Claire as much as she loves him. Although, he never seems to admit it :(

I have always had mixed thoughts on Myrin. Sometimes he's bad and sometimes he's good. But, I love he's character and all his funny comments! He gives everything a touch of sarcasm and sometimes, it can be funny :)

All in all, another fantastic book. As always. I'm eagerly awaiting for the release of the next book- Fade out!

Lament by Maggie Stievfater

by Maggie Stievfater

Pages: 336
Release Date: January 3rd 2011
Publisher: Scholastic
Series: Books of Faerie
Other books in series: Ballad
Buy it: Amazon

Sixteen-year-old Deirdre Monaghan is a painfully shy but prodigiously gifted musician. She's about to find out she's also a cloverhand—one who can see faeries. Deirdre finds herself infatuated with a mysterious boy who enters her ordinary suburban life, seemingly out of thin air. Trouble is, the enigmatic and gorgeous Luke turns out to be a gallowglass—a soulless faerie assassin. An equally hunky—and equally dangerous—dark faerie soldier named Aodhan is also stalking Deirdre. Sworn enemies, Luke and Aodhan each have a deadly assignment from the Faerie Queen. Namely, kill Deirdre before her music captures the attention of the Fae and threatens the Queen's sovereignty. Caught in the crossfire with Deirdre is James, her wisecracking but loyal best friend. Deirdre had been wishing her life weren't so dull, but getting trapped in the middle of a centuries-old faerie war isn't exactly what she had in mind . . .

My Thoughts
Deirdre Monaghan is a gifted harp player, like she is one of the best there us. Not only that shes a cloverhand- someone who can see Faeries! How cool is that? And she only discovers this when she meets the alluring Luke Dillion!

The Faeries have even noticed Diedre. (Not a big fan of her name) and so they want to cause some bad business. The Faerie Queen has sent someone to kill ...Deidre doesn't really know Luke very well so as she does she explores her feelings for him as well.

I enjoyed reading this book. I didn't think it would be very good seeing as it's a debut novel and all but what can I say? I was definitely surprised! The plot was even well paced and I was thoroughly engaged. I had a pretty hard time putting this book down, even when I really needed to! Deirdre's character is so cool. I love her and how she's the perfect female heroine.

Fey are kinda common in literature but boy did I love Stiefvater’s take! I also enjoyed the musical element that was portrayed throughout the novel, it added so much to the novel.
Ballad the sequel to Lament, will be available very soon ...I can’t wait!

Waiting on Wednesday (19)

Soul Thief
by Jana Oliver
Pages: 320
Release Date: August 30th 2011
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin                         
Buy the Book: Amazon UK

Riley Blackthorne’s adventures continue in the second spellbinding Demon Trappers novel, as she battles demons… and a love that could destroy her
At the start of the second thrilling installment of the Demon Trappers series, 17-year-old Riley Blackthorne has about had it up to here. After the devastating battle at the Tabernacle, trappers are dead and injured, her sweet boyfriend Simon is gravely injured, and now her beloved late father’s been illegally poached from his grave by a very powerful necromancer. Add to the mix: Ori, one sizzling hot freelance demon hunter who’s made himself Riley’s unofficial body guard, and Beck, a super over-protective “friend” who acts more like a grouchy granddad, and Riley’s almost ready to leave Atlanta altogether.
But as the demon count in Atlanta increases, the already crippled Trappers Guild has its hands full, and, when the Vatican finally sends its own Demon Hunters to take care of the city’s “little” problem, pandemonium breaks loose. Only Riley knows that she might be the center of Hell’s attention: an extremely powerful Grade 5 demon is stalking her, and her luck can't last forever. As Riley’s life becomes a dangerous balancing act, will she be strong enough not to tip? And who will be there to catch her if she falls?

After I read Forsaken,  (review here) I just really really wanted to reaad the book that follows. I'm a sucker for US covers not much for UK ones. I can't wait until it's released... which is a pretty long way away!

What are you waiting for?
Waiting on Wednesday is a mem hosted by Breaking the Spine

Being Nikki by Meg Cabot

Being Nikki
by Meg Cabot

Pages: 301
Release Date: July 1st 2009
Publisher: MacMillan Childrens'
Series: Airhead triology
Other books in series: Airhead and Runaway
Buy it: Amazon

Teen supermodel Nikki Howard has a secret. She's not the gorgeous golden airhead she seems - on the inside she's someone else. Literally. Em Watts is stuck in the body of glamazon celebutante Nikki. And it's not easy. Especially when Nikki's past is about to catch up with her, her boss is spying on her, and Em's heart wants one thing but her lips keep kissing someone else...

My Thoughts
After reading Airhead, the first book of the Trilogy, I just had to read the next book. I really loved the whole idea of brain transplanting. It's great to see all the bumps and bruises along the way. It was fantastic!

I loved it when Christopher found out Nikki was really Em. That was most definitely my favourite part. It was such a big relief! I couldn't stand seeing him so upset like over Em's death when she was really alive. He's just a amazing and great guy. They really do deserve each other!

I totally adore LuLu and Frida. Their characters are so funny and full of life so I love reading about them. They add humour to the book making it more enjoyable and great to read. Both of them fuss over such little things and are really bubbly and exciting.

When I read the ending of the book I was astonished. The look on Christopher's face when Em said she didn't love him but Brandon was soooooooo sad! I can't believe she did that to Christopher.
A gripping read. Obviously. I am in love with  Meg Cabot's books :)

Lord of Misule by Rachel Caine

Lord of Misrule
by Rachel Caine

Pages: 258
Release Date: July 10th 2009
Publisher: Allison & Busby
Series: The Morganville Vampires
Other books in series: Glass Houses, Dead Girls' Dance, Midnight Alley, Feast of Fools, Carpe Corpus, Fade out, Ghost Town, Kiss of Death, Bite Club and Last Breath
Buy it: Amazon

In the college town of Morganville, vampires and humans coexist in (relatively) bloodless harmony. Then comes Bishop, the master vampire who threatens to abolish all order, revive the forces of the evil dead, and let chaos rule. But Bishop isn’t the only threat.

Violent black cyclone clouds hover, promising a storm of devastating proportions as student Claire Danvers and her friends prepare to defend Morganville against elements both natural and unnatural...

My Thoughts
All the morganville books are peices of perfection. When I started reading this book however, I never got the same action and thrill as the other books. It was a bit slow paced for me.

BUT, as I explored more of Cain's story, I got into whatever was happening. Everything comes crashing down as the war between Amelie and Bishop continued. Basically, out of control! There was a vast amount of action in the book maknig me want to read more and more.

As always, some kind of romance is shown. Claire's and Shane's moments are the moments you can't wait for. I love it and especially since Shane's sweet side is revealed even more.

I am definetly continuing with this series and the ending... I was in shock! I did not see it coming... I need to read Carpe Corpus!

A UK Morganville Vampire fan? Join the Facebook fan club!

500 Followers Giveaway!

As you can evidently see we have officially reached 500 followers! From 300 to 500 in less than a moth is awesome and so great! Thank you to all the amzing followers :)
And of course, this calls for a whole new giveaway ...Come on, we couldn't just not have one!
So, this time round because it's 500 followers there's going to be prize packs! Yes you heard me... you can win more than one book by choosing which prize pack you would love to win!
Here they are:

The Fallen series by Lauren Kate
(Passion on pre-order)

The Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater
(Forever on Pre-order)

The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

(Choose any three)


WINNERS: 300 Followers Giveaway!

Hey everyone!
I know that giveaway wasn't supposed to end now but I want to do a whole new giveaway seeing as we've reached 500 followers!
So the most exciting time has come... yes!
...To announce who has won the 300 followers giveaway and oh and something else it's not just one winner no but two seeing as I've reached over 400 followers too ...Exciting? YES :D
Without any further ado the winners are...

Feast of Fools by Rachel Caine

Feast of Fools
by Rachel Caine

Pages: 352
Release Date: February 23rd 2009
Publisher: Allison & Busby
Series: The Morganville Vampires
Other books in series:Glass Houses, Dead Girls' Dance, Midnight Alley, Lord of Misrule, Carpe Corpus, Fade out, Ghost Town, Kiss of Death and Last Breath
Buy it: Amazon

The wait is over. dig into the feast...

In the town of Morganville, vampires and humans live in relative peace. Student Claire Danvers has never been convinced, though especially with the arrival of Mr. Bishop, an ancient, old-school vampire who cares nothing about harmony. What he wants from the town's living and its dead is unthinkably sinister. It's only at a formal ball, attended by vampires and their human dates, that Claire realizes the elaborately evil trap he's set for Morganville...

My Thoughts
Yes yes and yes. Another fabulous book to the Morganville series. Cain hasn't let me down yet!
The story left off from where Bishop, Amelie's father arrives. More secrets are revealed. We find out what Bishop's real motive is and what he truly wants. Bishop's character being dark and sinister is very unnerving yet exciting to read about.

With each book Clare has definitely grown more and more. She's become more responsible and mature and that’s one of the main reasons I love her- Especially since she's still working for Amelie giving her a whole deal of work to do. It's so annoying though! How long is she going to work for her... I really do not like the whole idea of that. Amelie is okay and all but she's still one mean vampire.

Shane's 'problems' with Michael are much exciting. I love reading about them they have a lot to figure about and deal with and it's nice to see how they’re going day by day. Obviously, Shane's being a total jerk about the whole thing and Michael is well Michael. He's doing his best and well they'll be okay at the end. Just love those guys!

Cain has presented yet another thrilling reading with plenty of action and suspense. A fast paced and enthralling read. What's there not to love? Can't wait to read Lord of Misrule!

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Waiting on Wednesday (18)

Tara Hudson

Pages: 416
Release Date: 7th June 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins
Buy the Book: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Can there truly be love after death?
Drifting in the dark waters of a mysterious river, the only thing Amelia knows for sure is that she's dead. With no recollection of her past life—or her actual death—she's trapped alone in a nightmarish existence. All of this changes when she tries to rescue a boy, Joshua, from drowning in her river. As a ghost, she can do nothing but will him to live. Yet in an unforgettable moment of connection, she helps him survive.
Amelia and Joshua grow ever closer as they begin to uncover the strange circumstances of her death and the secrets of the dark river that held her captive for so long. But even while they struggle to keep their bond hidden from the living world, a frightening spirit named Eli is doing everything in his power to destroy their newfound happiness and drag Amelia back into the ghost world . . . forever.
Thrilling and evocative, with moments of pure pleasure, Hereafter is a sensation you won't want to miss.

What are you waiting for?
Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson

by Laurie Halse Anderson

Pages: 288
Release Date: January 3rd 2011
Publisher: Scholastic
Buy it: Amazon

“Dead girl walking,” the boys say in the halls.

“Tell us your secret,” the girls whisper, one toilet to another.
I am that girl.
I am the space between my thighs, daylight shining through.
I am the bones they want, wired on a porcelain frame.
Lia and Cassie are best friends, wintergirls frozen in matchstick bodies, competitors in a deadly contest to see who can be the skinniest. But what comes after size zero and size double-zero? When Cassie succumbs to the demons within, Lia feels she is being haunted by her friend’s restless spirit.
In her most emotionally wrenching, lyrically written book since the multiple-award-winning Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson explores Lia’s descent into the powerful vortex of anorexia, and her painful path toward recovery...

My Thoughts:
I want to start off by saying what an exceptionally powerful book this is. Really. It's one of those books that make you think. About yourself. About your life. About others too.

It’s very realistic. Everything that goes on in Lia's life is in one way or the other relateable. The whole idea of Anorexia was at first a bit unnerving. Did I want to read a book like this. Even though, it was disturbing it was hard to put the book down.

Cassie's death had a great impact upon Lia. It’s fascinating how she believed she was staying strong buy not eating. Her character is conveyed with so much clarity that it’s heartbreaking to read on.

Anderson's book is phenomenal. Her immaculate writing delivered Lia’s story beautifully. A definite must read!

In My Mailbox (19)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free.
I just want to start by saying that this is my 100th post and a few days ago we recieved our 1000th comment! How great right? :D ...Ok not so much but I felt like sharing this :)
Anyways, I didn't get many books for review but they're still awesome! I was going to take pictures but I'm very lazy with all that... probably next week!

Delirium by Lauren Oliver
I did not now there's a girl's face in the title until I got the book, LOL ...Sounds like a fantastic read ...Thank you Hodder & Stoughton!
(ARC) Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
I've always wanted to read this! I can't wait to review it ...Thanks to Macmillian!

Dead Beautiful by Yvonne Woon
 Jekel lovs Hyde by Beth Fantaskey
What's in your mailbox?