In My Mailbox (24)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free.
 So this my favourite week by far and I'm not only talking books! I just have to 'squee' to everyone that my all my exams are over!!! I am seriously over the moon and I'm still deciding on having a giveaway... Just so happy :D ...anyway to IMM, this was my favourite week because I finally got a copy of the EPIC Anna and the French Kiss! So, check out what other books I got!

 Blood Red Road by Moira Young
David by Mary Hoffman
Rokoholic by CJ Skuse
Forgive my Fins by Tera Lynn Childs
Hereafter by Tara Hudson
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson (ARC)
Stolen by Lucy Christopher
Exile by  Rebecca Lim
Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
I've already read this and it's just so awesome! Thanks so much to the wonderful Donna @ Book Passion for Life
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
OMG! I have been waiting FOREVER for this book to come! As soon as I finished reading ANNA, I knew that I need it for keeps! Thanks a lot to Vickie @ ComaCalm's Corner for this awesome book and for putting up all the delivery hassle! :D
What's in your mailbox?


  1. Oh oh oh, David, Hereafter and The Name of the Star! You are a lucky, lucky girl. Happy reading! - Elle

  2. Oh! Hereafter looks amazing! I read Forgive My Fins this week and really enjoyed it and I really want David! Haven't heard of many of the others apart from Stolen, but you're a lucky girl!

    Happy reading!

    Jade @ Ink Scratchers

    Here is my IMM

  3. I loved both Perfect Chemistry and Anna and the French Kiss they are amazing, I'm sure you will love them :)

    My IMM

  4. Awesome haul! I didn't quite like the writing style in Stolen, but I can see why others might like it. 2nd person POV just isn't my thing.

    Happy reading. :)

    Check out what's in my mailbox! :)

  5. Anna and the French Liss, Stolen and Blood Red Road are all amazing, you have great taste! :P

    ComaCalm's Corner

  6. yay, you finally read anna! wasn't it absolutely AMAZING? blood red road is awesome too, and perfect chemistry and stolen are high on my to-get list. happy reading!

    here's what i got in my malibox this week!

  7. Great books! Blood Red Road, The Name of the Star, Forgive my Finns and Rockaholic all look fantastic. I hope you enjoy them all :)

  8. I've been wanting to read Anna and the French Kiss for a long time too.

    Happy reading :-D

  9. Im excited for you! You got some great books - Blood Red Road and Perfect Chemistry are both fantastic! Hereafter looks great as well!

    Have fun reading! I look forward to seeing what you think of them!

  10. Really can't wait to read The Name of the Star, so can't wait to hear your thoughts on that one! Very nice collection this week!

    -Linds, bibliophile brouhaha

  11. You had a great book week :) yay for getting a copy of Anna for your shelves. I'm dying to read Lola - still months away from release though! Maybe I can beg, borrow or steal an ARC...

    Also, I'm very curious about Name of the Star. Sounds really good - hope it turns out to be!

    happy reading.

  12. A graet haul of books. I hope you enjoy them all :)

  13. Great books, I loved Anna and the French Kiss and Rockoholic! I hope you enjoy all your new books! :D

  14. Oh man. Awesome books. The Maureen Johnson book looks so good. Old follower just seeing what everybody got in their mailbox this week.

  15. Great set! I love Anna and the FK. I really want Hereafter.
    New Twitter follower. Old GFC follower.
    My IMM

  16. Perfect Chemistry and Anna and the French Kiss are pure awesomeness !! Both Etienne St Clair and Alex Fuentes are hotties !!
    Enjoy ;)

  17. That Blood Red Road has a cool cover. I wouldn't mind getting Hereafter sometime soon too. I want to read Perfect Chemistry as well. I'll have to go on a shopping trip again soon, I think.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  18. Great set! I really want to read "Stolen" and "Anna & the French Kiss"

  19. You've got some amazing books this week! Rokoholic sounds really good!
    Oh and Perfect Chemistry... what a beautiful story :)

  20. Anna is one of the best books I've read this year so far! It deff. is for keeps. I can't wait for Lola. I want to snag an ARC asap. Hereafter is also a really really good read. Happy Reading :)

  21. Thank you for stopping by my blog :D Awesome IMM!

    I loved Perfect Chemistry, Hereafter and Anna, I hope you'll like them.

    Happy reading!

  22. Thanks for following me. ;)

    Looking forward to Blood Red Road and The Name of the Star. Congrats on swiping some great books. I'm already a follower. Will be waiting for some reviews, hehe.

    Happy reading!

  23. So glad Perfect Chemistry arrived and I'm even more thrilled that you enjoyed it! Its fantastic isn't it? Lol Donna

    Our IMM

  24. Whoa! That's a different cover for Blood Red Road than the one I read. I hope you enjoy it! And congrats on finishing your exams. More time to read?

  25. Congrats to being done on your exams! AWESOME IMM! I can not wait to read Name The Star. I LOVE Anna and The French Kiss and Hereafter. Happy Reading!!!

  26. Anna and Perfect Chemistry:only my favourite contemporary books ever!!!
    Enjoy :)

  27. Some great books there - Exile sounds great! Hope you get plenty of time to read them all now your exams are over! :)

  28. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog!
    You have a great mailbox, too!
    I quite enjoyed Hereafter, hope you will too, the cover for Rockoholic looks great and you got an ARC of The Name Of The Star *jealousy*
    Enjoy reading!

    Nickey @ The Book Shop Assistant

  29. Thanks for stopping by my IMM earlier. And as I'm in a pleasant mood I'm now following. :)

  30. I just read Anna and the French Kiss this week and it was so good! I hope you really like it! Here's mine:

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  31. Good books! A few of them are my favorites!
    Love your blog

  32. The Name of the Star and Stolen are making me so envious!!! Great bunch of books this week, lady!

  33. Awesome books! I've heard so many great things about Anna & the French Kiss. I'll have to check it out. I'm also looking forward to reading Blood Red Road and The Name of the Star in the future.

  34. That is a really great mailbox! I can't wait to get started on David and The Name of the Star is on it's way to me apparently (totally can't wait!) I'm reading Rockoholic at the moment and it's totally funny. Hope you enjoy it.

  35. Lol, Rockoholic sounds interesting. :D And Forgive my Fins... not sure if it's too sweet, I like my mermaid stories a little darker so I'm not sure if I should buy it... so basically will be waiting for the review. ^_^

  36. Great books! I still need to pick up a copy of Hereafter. I can't wait to read that one. :-)

  37. I want Pefect Chemistry. Lots of goodies. Thanks for stopping by.

  38. Wow that is one awesome haul you have there.

  39. I've been meaning to read Anna and the French Kiss for forever - lucky you, getting it as a gift! Nice haul this week. :)

  40. Wow, so many great books this week! I love our UK cover for Forgive My Fins! And Anna and the French Kiss is amazing, I hope you love it! Happy reading :).

  41. I love Anna and the French Kiss. The Name of the Star sounds really fantastic. Happy Reading!

  42. WOO!! I really want to get my hands on a copy of Perfect Chemistry!!! :D

    Here's my IMM for this week:

    BTW...I'm a new follower :)

    ~Harpreet @ A Spark of Interest - Books for Teens

  43. oh...i so want The Name of the Star !!:D

  44. Oh my goodness I love Anna and the French Kiss SO SO much! My sister read Stolen and really liked that one too!

  45. i'm still waiting for my Blood Red Road and Perfect Chemistry! Thanks for stopping by my site :) new follower here.

  46. Great books! I can't wait for The Name of the Star and I really loved Blood Red Road! Anna and the French Kiss is one of my favorite books that I read this year and I am already excited for the companion, LOLA.

    I'm excited that your exams are over! Now time to read these awesome books!


  47. Great stuff this week! I've been waiting for my library to get Stolen forever.

  48. Thank you for stopping by my IMM post. I am very much looking forward to The Name of the Star. I've got Hereafter on my own shelf, but haven't read it yet. I hope you enjoy all of your great reads!

  49. Great mailbox! I've heard soooo many great things about Anna and the French Kiss... but I'm reading Afterlife by Claudia Gray first. I just finished Falling in Love with English Boys which everyone says is like a poorly done Anna and the French Kiss, so I'm hoping I'll enjoy it a great deal more.

  50. Great stack of books! I am almost finished with Anna and I am just IN LOVE. :)

    Happy reading!

  51. Great IMM!! A lot of awesome books, especially Perfect Chemistry and Anna! I LOVED both of those, too!

  52. Wow, you got so many wonderful books and I hope you enjoy every single one of them! I loved Anna and the French Kiss (definitely my favorite book of 2011) and Perfect Chemistry. I also have Hereafter on my bookshelf and I really need to get my hands on a copy of Forgive my Fins. :D

    Have a lovely week,

  53. Oh wow, this is an awesome mailbox! I've only read Forgive My Fins, but I really liked it. Hope you enjoy all your books!

  54. Congrats on your exams being over!!

    So glad you have copies of Anna and Perfect Chemistry to keep now, they're two of my favourite books!! Ahhh, so jealous of The Name of The Star! Stole is brilliant, I really hope you like it.

    Awesome books this week, happy reading! :)

  55. Great books!
    A few here l so want to read =)

  56. What a great haul this week! I've heard so many good things about a lot of these like Hereafter and David, and Forgive My Fins is on my TBR list! Enjoy all of your books, and thank you for visiting! :)

  57. Ooh, lots and LOTS of goodies! There are quite a few of these on my wishlist/tbr. =D

  58. Oooh, BLOOD RED ROAD sounds amazing! And I love love love ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS. Great mailbox. Happy reading!

  59. Awesome awesome haul! I have one or two of those, but haven't read 'em yet. Hope you enjoy them. :)

  60. Wow, so many books! I love the cover of Blood Red Road so looked it up and it looks great. Hope you enjoy everything :)


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Happy Reading!